Kamen Rider Fan Fiction Wiki
This article is about a/an monster in Kamen Rider Yūgō.

Scorpius (さそり座 Sasori-za, 11) was a member of the alien terrorist organisation known as The Mysticons. Like other Virus Beasts belonging to the group, Scorpius can't speak and can only respond with noises. His powers are unknown but, it was explained by the narrator that the stinger gauntlets on his hands can cause immense pain to the victims when they get stung.


  • Identification code: Scorpio 568-21
  • Rank: Virus Beast
  • Killed/Destroyed by: Kamen Rider Yuugou's Super Fusion Rider Chop


Scorpius was sent out by Kamen Rider Māji to destroy Japan's economy by blowing up the brand new Exchange Building in Tokyo which would cause no trades to go through and leave the country's finances in desert so they don't have the money to stop the Mysticons invasion. However, he was stopped by Keisuke who quickly finished him off in a brutal rampage due to the influence of his mind by his new form.

