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This article is about a/an Digimon in Power Rider D-Tamer.
Gender: Female
Series: Power Rider D-Tamer
Ally Type: Digimon
Affiliation: Virgo
Homeworld: Digital World
First Appearance: Start of the Adventure
Last Appearance:
The Number of Episode Appearances: TBA (D-Tamer)
TBA (Movies)
1 (Specials)
Actor: Mari Devon

Renamon is the Digimon partner of Alicia Knight in Power Rider D-Tamer.

In battle, she lends her powers to Alicia, enabling her to become D-Tamer Rena.




  • Diamond Storm: Throws sharpened leaves at the opponent.
    • Aerial Diamond Storm
  • Fox Switch Deception: Uses a transformation art in which she copies the opponent's appearance & re-covers herself in that texture. 
  • Power Paw: Shrouds her paws in ghostly flames, then delivers a powerful kick. 
  • Palm Strike: Attacks with a strong hand strike.
  • Swift Strike: Attacks with a swift hand chop.
  • Spin Kick: Attacks with multiple roundhouse kicks.
  • Super Chop: Attacks with an even swifter version of "Swift Strike".
  • Fox Combo Leg: Unleashes a series of high kicks in rapid succession.




Viximon is the In-Training form of Renamon. Despite her appearance, Viximon is swift & speedy.


  • Killing Stone: Changes into a stone that spouts a toxic gas.



This is Renamon's primary Rookie form. She has the appearance of a golden fox. 

As she is always calm, cool, & collected, Renamon practices enough that she doesn't lose that composure in any situation. Her slender, tall appearance excels when compared with other Rookies, & rather than Power Battling, She makes sport of the enemy with various arts that use her speed.

It is this form that Renamon lends her power to Alicia to become D-Tamer Rena.


  • Diamond Storm: Throws sharpened leaves at the opponent.
    • Aerial Diamond Storm
  • Fox Switch Deception: Uses a transformation art in which she copies the opponent's appearance & re-covers herself in that texture.
  • Power Paw: Shrouds her paws in ghostly flames, then delivers a powerful kick.
  • Palm Strike: Attacks with a strong hand strike.
  • Swift Strike: Attacks with a swift hand chop.
  • Spin Kick: Attacks with multiple roundhouse kicks.
  • Super Chop: Attacks with an even swifter version of "Swift Strike".
  • Fox Combo Leg: Unleashes a series of high kicks in rapid succession.

Kyubimon t


Kyubimon is Renamon's main Champion form. She is a Digimon in the shape of a giant fox with nine tails. 

Kyubimon lacks attack power, but she possesses a powerful will force & is proficient in spellcraft. She's said to gallop across the heavens using limbs coated in blue flames.

Whenever Alicia uses Renamon's DigiCard, she can access her power as D-Tamer Kyubi.


  • Dragon Wheel
  • Fox Tail Inferno
  • Headbutt: Charges & attacks with the head.
  • Fox Attack: Uses the power of a will o' wisp to quickly tackle her enemy.
  • Fox Electric Attack: Attacks with an electrifying headbutt.
  • Heaven's Howl: Emits a high pitched scream & summons a spirit on the enemy.
  • Power Paw: Shrouds her paws in ghostly flames, then delivers a powerful kick.

Taomon t


Taomon is Renamon's main Ultimate form. 

Versed in Onmyōdō, she is an onmyōji Digimon that freely uses every technique in battle. Taomon's faculty with magic is particularly high, & attacks with talismans and spells are her forte. Also, Taomon is a master of concealed weapons, & hides various weapons up her sleeves. Taomon doesn't talk very much due to her extreme reticence, & she is a being that lives & lurks within the darkness. Also, Taomon can turn her talismans into shikigami & command them.

Whenever Alicia uses Taomon's DigiCard, he can access his power as D-Tamer Tao.


  • Talisman of Light: Chants the incantation "Bon-Hitsu-Sen" while painting the Sanskrit character "Hūṃ" in the air with her gigantic brush, then hurls it at the opponent to catch them in a gigantic explosion & annihilate them.
  • Thousand Spells: Wreathes her talismans around the opponent's body, then detonates them.
  • Talisman Star: Uses the Devanagari letter "र" (ra<) as blades to cut through the darkness.
  • Talisman Spell: Creates & chants the sacred syllable "ॐ" (Auṃ) to form a hemispherical yin-yang shield capable of movement.
  • Brush Stroke: Uses a large brush to hit the enemy.
  • Brush Strike: Strikes the enemy with a huge brush.

Sakuyamon t


Sakuyamon is Renamon's main Mega form.

Like Taomon, Sakuyamon freely uses Onmyoudou techniques in battle & can employ God Beast-species Digimon. She always carries four pipes on the belt around her waist, within which lurk four kuda-gitsune that possess the attributes of "Fire", "Water", "Wind", & "Thunder", respectively. Sakuyamon can use these kuda-gitsune for everything from attacking to gathering information. 

Sakuyamon wields the "Golden Judge Staff. Her gloves bear the Zero Unit, & the characters on the foreheads of the red, blue, green, & yellow kuda-gitsune read "Fire" (火 Hi), "Water" (水 Mizu), "Wind" (風 Kaze), & "Thunder" (雷 Kaminari), respectively.

Whenever Alicia uses Sakuyamon's DigiCard, she can access her power as D-Tamer Sakuya.


  • Spirit Strike: Attacks the opponent with the four kuda-gitsune carried on her waist.
  • Amethyst Mandala: Strikes the ground with the Golden Judge Staff, spreading a purifying barrier that exorcises evil spirits.
  • Twin Blades of Beauty & of Truth: Uses the Golden Judge Staff to create two pink rings of energy around herself which form a barrier of cherry blossom petals.
  • Crystal Sphere: Creates a spherical barrier around herself.
  • Amethyst Wind: Unleashes a storm of purifying cherry blossoms.
  • Fox Drive: Destroys her enemy with a burning blue flame.
  • Thunder Kick: Drops down like lightning from the sky & attacks with a kick.
  • Fox Card: Throws a card & seals the enemy's power.
  • Flaming Fox: Attacks with a flaming kick from the sky.
  • Bewitching Moon Kick
  • Sliding Flash Attack

Maid Mode Sakuyamon b

Sakuyamon (Maid Mode)

Maid Mode Sakuyamon is a form Sakuyamon can assume. In this form, Sakuyamon has strengthened her ability to exorcise evil spirits.

Whenever Alicia uses Sakuyamon's DigiCard, along with the D-Modify Shrine Card, she can access her power as D-Tamer Sakuya: Maid Mode.


  • Spirit Strike: Attacks the opponent with the four kuda-gitsune carried on her waist.
  • Diamond Realm Mandala: Strikes the ground with the Golden Judge Staff, spreading a purifying barrier that exorcises evil spirits.

Youkomon is an alternate Champion form Renamon can assume. 

She has the appearance of a gigantic blue fox that grew nine tails. Unlike Kyubimon, Youkomon is feared as a bewitching beast that brings about destruction & decay. Although her offensive ability itself is not strong, Youkomon's possesses powerful spiritual ability & specializes in "Arts" techniques, & it is said that she races through the heavens with her red, blazing limbs.

Whenever Alicia uses Youkomon's DigiCard, she can access her power as D-Tamer Youko.


  • Tail Flame: Manifests scorching hot fireballs and manipulates them at will.
  • Evil Flame Dragon: Manifests a dragon of blazing red flames from its tail & burns the opponent to cinders.

Doumon is an alternate Ultimate form Renamon can assume. 

Versed in Onmyōdō, Doumon is an onmyōji Digimon that freely uses every technique in battle. Her faculty with magic is particularly high, & her specialty is attacking with amulets & spells. Like Taomon, Doumon is a being that lives & lurks within the darkness, but unlike Taomon, she specializes in death-curses & assassinations. Also, she can turn her amulets into shikigami & command them.

Whenever Alicia uses Doumon's DigiCard, she can access her power as D-Tamer Dou.


  • Exorcism Scrolls: Wreathes her talismans around the opponent's body, then detonates them.
  • Hidden Gate Divination: Chants an incantation while painting a barrier in the air with her gigantic brush, confining the opponent in an eternal labyrinth from which it can never escape.
    • Fog of Confusion: Chants an incantation that hides her allies from enemy eyes.

Kuzuhamon is an alternate Mega form Renamon can assume. 

Kuzuhamon is versed in ancient magic like ShintoOnmyoudou, & Shugendou. A single kuda-gitsune lurks within the pipe she carries on the belt around her waist, & she can employ this kuda-gitsune to use it for things like attacking & gathering information. Kuzuhamon wields the "Bishop's Staff".

Whenever Alicia uses Kuzuhamon's DigiCard, she can access her power as D-Tamer Kuzuha.


  • Illuminator: Attacks the opponent with the kuda-gitsune carried on her waist.
  • Birth Realm Mandala: Spreads a purifying barrier with the Bishop's Staff that exorcises evil spirits.

Kuzuhamon Maid Mode is a form Kuzuhamon can assume. In this form, Kuzuhamon has strengthened her ability to exorcise evil spirits.

Whenever Alicia uses Kuzuhamon's DigiCard, along with the D-Modify Shrine Card, she can access her power as D-Tamer Kuzuha: Maid Mode.


  • Reverse Spirit Strike: Attacks the opponent with the kuda-gitsune carried on her waist.
  • Birth Realm Mandala: Spreads a purifying barrier with the Bishop's Staff that exorcises evil spirits.

Digivolution Chart[]

In-Training Rookie Champion Ultimate Mega Ultra (Over Mega)
Viximon Renamon Kyubimon Taomon Sakuyamon Sakuyamon Maid Mode
Youkomon Doumon Kuzuhamon Kuzuhamon Maid Mode

