Kamen Rider Fan Fiction Wiki
Zi-O is Here

Power Rider Time Turner is a Power Rider adaption to Kamen Rider Zi-O

As part of Action Time, Power Rider Time Turner joined Power Rangers Theif Strike Vs Power Rangers Police Men and Power Rangers Dino Fury in the Action Time lineup


Before she became a rider, Sofia Lakerson was a normal high school teenaged girl from a huge city called "Amverse City", one of her biggest interests of all of the whole world, is time, she loves how it shows her how long her days have passed and she also wants to be a time traveller someday, just like her hero, Marty Mcfly

She sometimes likes to go to the Amverse City Time Shop to meet up with the owner, Mr. Time, check out some of the amazing clocks and focus on time and the way it changes on life

One day, whilst browsing in the Time Shop, Sofia suddenly comes face to face with a stranger who she never saw in town before, named Woz, he explains to Sofia that he is a time traveller from an alternate future, seeking a new queen of time, he then tells Sofia that she might be the one choosen to be the queen, so Woz gives Sofia the powers of a Time Turner and the nickname, "Princess Of Time", at first, Sofia dosen't know how to react to it, but soon after, another time traveller named Masquerade, travels to Sofia's timeline to create chaos and take over Earth, that's another reason why Woz travelled to meet Sofia, to seek help in taking down the evil Masquerade and protecting all of Earth

So Sofia agrees to help out as Woz warns her that she must keep her identity a secret, for if she doesn't, it will create havoc on time and space, but not long later, Woz tells her that he needs to find two Sofia's friends, for they are the ones to inherit the powers of Power Rider Time Traveller and Power Rider Time Digitizer

Soon after, Woz and Sofia manage to find the inheritors of Power Rider Time Traveller and Power Rider Time Digitizer, Harry D Jonas and Lucy Garden, now with them on the team, it's up to Power Rider Time Turner to stop Masquerade, restore all of time and space and save the planet Earth while also trying to get the name, "Queen Of Time"



Power Rider Time Turner Sofia
Power Rider Time Traveller Harry
Power Rider Time Digitizer Lucy
Power Rider Time-Moon Misty
Power Rider King Of Time King Time Turner
Power Rider Time Turner (Mirror Realm) Sofia (Mirror Realm)

Future Riders[]

Power Rider Dark-Ninja Master Orhino
Power Rider Question Jacobson (Jake)
Power Rider Fix+Build Stephen
Power Rider Galaxy King Power Rider Galaxy King

Legacy Riders[]

Masked Rider Cop Joe
Masked Rider Para Bill
Masked Rider Brown-Hopper Gromit
Masked Rider Beetle Harry
Power Rider Fusion Seth
Power Rider Dragon Tech Lucy
Power Rider Arcade Ethan
Power Rider RPG Ali
Power Rider Phantom Burst Ryan
Masked Rider Card Sword Gregory
Masked Rider Card Slicer Lizzie
Masked Rider Legacy Harry

Another World Riders[]

Masked Rider G4 Cop
Masked Rider Blizzard
Power Rider Haunted Burst
Power Rider Virus Minion
Power Rider Elternal-Evil Lord Kumasan
Power Rider Time Digitizer (Alternate Dimension) Lucy (Alternate Dimension)
Masked Rider Gator-Bug


  • Woz


Villain Riders[]

Fusion-Villain Rider
Arcade-Villain Rider
Rocket-Villain Rider
Mobile-Villain Rider
Macgichan-Villain Rider
Tripple-Villain Rider
Lock N Shock-Villain Rider
Phantom Burst-Villain Rider
Dark-Ninja-Villain Rider
Question-Villain Rider
Onyx-Villain Rider
Fix+Build-Villain Rider
Time Turner-Villain Rider
Card Sword-Villain Rider
Solar-Villain Rider
Para-Villain Rider
Shade-Villain Rider
Beetle-Villain Rider
Rainbow Train-Villain Rider
Dragon-Time Turner-Villain Rider
Doublemen-Villain Rider
Neo-Villain Rider
Dragon Knight-Villain Rider
Wheeler-Villain Rider
Legacy-Villain Rider



  • Time Turning Device (Sofia, Harry and Jessica's main belt morpher)
  • Time Digitizing Device (Lucy's main belt morpher)
  • Question Device (Jake's main belt morpher)
  • Ninja Shadow Device (Master Ohino's main belt morpher)
  • Fix+Build Device (Stephen's main belt morpher)

Multi-Use Devices[]

  • Rider-Turners (Pocketwatch-like devices used in the Time Turning Device)
  • Rider-Pop-Turners (Pocketwatch-like devices used in the Time Digitizing Device)
  • Question Key (A question mark-shaped key used in the Question Device)
  • Ninja Spinner (A ninja star-shaped key used in the Ninja Shadow Device)
  • Ninja Activation Bottle (A bottle-type summoner used by Mater Ohino to activate his Ninja Shadow Device)


  • Time Sword (Sofia's main weapon, it has two modes, Sword mode and Blaster mode)
  • Legacy Sword (Sofia's seperate weapon, used in her Time Legacy form)
  • Sofia Sword (Sofia's seperate weapon, used in her Time Turner form, Dragon-Time Turner form, Time-Tripple form and Mega Time Turner form)
  • Travelling Crossbow (Harry's main weapon, it has two modes, Crossbow mode and Blaster mode)
  • Travelling Claw (Harry's seperate weapon, it has two modes, Buster mode and Claw mode)
  • Digitizer Spear (Lucy's main weapon, it has three modes, Spear mode, Psyche mode and Power mode)


  • Time-Cycle (Sofia and Harry's main motorcycle vechile, it has two modes, Motorcycle mode and Rider-Turner mode)


(They have two modes, Machine mode and Battle mode)

  • Time-Bot Turner (Sofia's main Time-Bot)
  • Time-Bot Traveller (Harry's main Time-Bot)
  • Time-Bot Digitizer (Lucy's main Time-Bot)

Opening Theme[]

Power Rider Time Turner opening theme
