Kamen Rider Fan Fiction Wiki
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Power Rider D-Tamer is a Japanese-American animated Power Rider series based on the Digimon franchise.


There are two worlds that were mysteriously connected: the Human World and the Digital World. The inhabitants of the Digital World were creatures called Digital Monsters, or Digimon for short. Suddenly, an evil organization called Chrome has making trouble by corrupting Digimon that will start wreak havoc in the Digital World.

Max Hunter, a teenager from Whitcoln, finds a orange dinosaur Digimon named Agumon. When Chrome sends corrupted Digimon to the Human World, Max Hunter needs to fight evil by granting the Power Rider powers from Agumon to become D-Tamer Agu!



D-Tamer Riders[]

Main 6 D-Tamers

From top left clockwise to bottom left: Agu, Rena, Gao, Doru, Gabu, Tento

Main article: D-Tamer Riders
D-Tamer Name Digimon Partner
D-Tamer Agu Max Hunter Agumon
D-Tamer Rena Alicia Knight Renamon
D-Tamer Gao Finnegan Lane Gaomon
D-Tamer Tento Ben Wright Tentomon
D-Tamer Gabu Mako Kojima Gabumon/BlackGabumon
D-Tamer BlackGabu
D-Tamer Doru Ryon Chihun Dorumon
D-Tamer MagnaAnge Cian Duncan MagnaAngemon
D-Tamer BlackAgu Dark Max BlackAgumon
Movie/Special-exclusive Riders[]
D-Tamer Name Digimon Partner
D-Tamer Luna Lise Boudon Lunamon
D-Tamer Corona Rebecca Dufresne Coronamon
D-Tamer Wizard Markus Stosch Wizardmon
D-Tamer Elec Sun Jiang Hou Yun Elecmon
D-Tamer Beta Melissa Rosa dos Reis Betamon
D-Tamer Spada Edward O'Brien Spadamon
D-Tamer Falco Tomiko Yamamura Kasshoku (Falcomon)
D-Tamer Falco Shintaro Takagaki Kuro (Falcomon)
D-Tamer Heriss Jonathan Ellis Herissmon

Royal Card Riders[]

Royal Card Riders

Royal Card Riders

Main article: Royal Card Riders
Rider Name Digimon Partner
Power Rider Spade Tristan Reid Kabuterimon
Power Rider Diamond Carson Nguyen Kuwagamon
Power Rider Heart Keira Cooke Snimon
Power Rider Club Gage Benjamin Dokugumon
Power Rider Glaive Taylor Pryde TBA
Power Rider Larc Maya Pryde TBA
Power Rider Lance Kayden Pryde TBA

Dial Force Riders[]

Delta, Kaixa and Faiz

Dial Force Riders

Main article: Dial Force Riders
Rider Name Digimon Partner
Power Rider Phi
Hudson McCrae TBA
Power Rider Chi Kevin Aarvold TigerVespamon
Power Rider Delta Filipe Moreno Snimon

Savage Riders[]


Two of the Savage Riders

Main article: Savage Riders
Rider Name Digimon Partner
Savage Rider Omega Conall Sinclair TBA
Savage Rider Alpha Luciano Venegas TBA
Savage Rider Neo Qiang Teja TBA


Human World[]

  • Fraser Residence
    • Scott Fraser (1) - Max's foster father. A caring, strict, though short-tempered disciplinarian, he & Max don't quite see eye-to-eye at home.
    • Diane Fraser (1-) - Max's foster mother.
    • Danielle (1-) - Max's older foster sister.
    • Brian Thomas (1-) - Max's foster brother.
    • Rhonda (1-)- Max's younger foster sister.
  • Davis Cabrera (1-)
  • Piper Landry (1-)
  • Nate Porter - A British detective who is investigating Markus Stosch. Appears only in the movie.
  • Koushiro Izumi - CEO of Virgo & former DigiDestined.
  • Ken Ichijouji - Former DigiDestined who becomes CEO of Virgo after Koushiro retired; he is the creator of the Dial Force System. Appears only in Power Rider D-Tamer BEYOND: Power Rider 555.
  • Isaac
Frontier DigiDestined[]
Spirit Warrior Name
Agunimon Takuya Kanbara
Lobomon Koji Minamoto
Beetlemon J.P. Shibayama
Kazemon Zoe Orimoto
Kumamon Tommy Himi
Loweemon Koichi Kimura
Phantom Rangers[]
Ranger Designation Name
Red Phantom Ranger Danny Fenton
Blue Phantom Ranger Baron Jones
Yellow Phantom Ranger Sam Manson
Green Phantom Ranger Tucker Foley
Pink Phantom Ranger Kyra Powell
Rider Name
Power Rider Nova Akihito Nomura

Digital World[]

Mobian DigiTribe[]
D-Tamer Name Digimon Partner
D-Tamer Vee Sonic the Hedgehog Veemon



D-Tamer Name Digimon Partner
D-Tamer Ryuda Hwan Chihun Ryudamon
  • Mephistomon (1-)
  • Etemon (2-)
  • Infected Digimon
    • Meramon (1)
    • Togemon (3)
    • Centaurmon (4)

Eggman Empire[]


Savage Rider Sigma
Kolten Meyers
  • Antanasia Cosma - Markus's Romanian assistant.
  • Kobidmon


Video Game[]

Main article: Power Rider D-Tamer (video game)

A video game, Power Rider D-Tamer, is in development for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, Steam and Google Stadia. Developed by Dimps and published by Bandai Namco. The game would also receive an enhanced port release for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S. The gameplay system is a mix between RPG and fighting, similar to Dragon Ball Xenoverse series.

The story mode is essentially non-canon and takes place in an alternate universe as it focuses on the player's custom character who discovered the D-Tamer power from a chosen Digimon.

Music Soundtrack[]

  • Power Rider D-Tamer Original Soundtrack Part 1
  • Power Rider D-Tamer Original Soundtrack Part 2
  • Power Rider D-Tamer Movie Soundtrack: From Dusk till Dawn / War of Mobius
  • Power Rider D-Tamer BEYOND Soundtrack: D-Tamer Ver.
  • Power Rider D-Tamer BEYOND Soundtrack: Rider Ver.
  • Power Rider D-Tamer Universe Original Soundtrack

Audio Drama[]

An audio drama for the Japanese dub of Power Rider D-Tamer is in production with the voice cast reprising their roles. The story takes place during the events of the series.


A toyline is being manufactured by Hasbro. This includes action figures, DigiDrive transformation belts and DigiCards.


  1. Battle 01: Start of the Adventure - Max Hunter is a foster teen who is trying to find or at least learn about the parents he never knew. However, things seem to go another way for him when he comes face-to-face with Agumon, a Digimon who is being targeted by an evil organization.
  2. Battle 02: Unrivaled Encounter - Discouraged that he doesn't seem to be finding any answers, Max finds himself in some sort of conspiracy or something. Alicia--who happens to be D-Tamer Rena--attempts to help Max out, but will their rivaled feelings toward each other prevent that?
  3. Battle 03: A Tough Chance: Now that they're members of Virgo, Max & Agumon must take a chance as they deal with a Digimon who was corrupted by Chrome.
  4. Battle 04: Healing of Darkness: Max & the D-Tamers head over to the Digimon Hospital to see if they can help Togemon. However, Mephistomon & Chrome has something in mind regarding Centaurmon, the Digimon in charge of the hospital.
  5. Battle 05: Freeze Buzz: TBA
  6. Battle 06: Unbreakable Truth: TBA
  7. Battle 07: The Dreamer's Game: TBA
  8. Battle 08: Brains and Brawn: TBA
  9. Battle 09: Davis and Piper's Extraordinary Adventure: TBA
  10. Battle 10: If You Can't Take the Heat: TBA




International Broadcasts[]

As part of the Kamen Rider 50th Anniversary project, Toei announces the Japanese dubbed version of Power Rider D-Tamer which will be released on Toei Tokusatsu Fan ClubIcon-crosswiki in Fall 2021. The dub will later air on Tokyo MX and TV Asahi in 2022.

In a similar fashion to Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight, several characters from D-Tamer are being voiced by previous actors from the Kamen Rider franchise. The English names for some Digimon characters were being kept, instead of being changed to the original names from the Japanese version.

Japanese Dub Cast[]

  • Junya Enoki as Max Hunter/D-Tamer Agu, Dark Max/D-Tamer BlackAgu
  • Hiroe Igeta (Yua Yaiba/Kamen Rider Valkyrie in Zero-One) as Alicia Knight/D-Tamer Rena
  • Toshiki Seto (Hiiro Kagami/Kamen Rider Brave in Ex-Aid) as Finnegan Lane/D-Tamer Gao
  • Shoya Chiba as Ben Wright/D-Tamer Tento
  • Kaho Takada (Misora Isurugi in Build) as Mako Kojima/D-Tamer Gabu
  • Tomoaki Maeno (Kamakiri Yummy in OOO) as Ryon Chihun/D-Tamer Doru
  • Koutaro Nishiyama as Cian Duncan/D-Tamer MagnaAnge
  • Takehito Koyasu as Hwan Chihun/D-Tamer Ryuda
  • Taiki Matsuno as Agumon, BlackAgumon
  • Miyuki Sawashiro (Kiva-la in Decade and Kase/Kamen Rider Siren in Dragon Knight) as Renamon
  • Kazuya Nakai as Gaomon
  • Takahiro Sakurai as Tentomon, Koushiro Izumi
  • Tetsuya Kakihara as Gabumon
  • Kaito Ishikawa as Dorumon
  • Hikaru Midorikawa (Negataros/Kamen Rider Nega Den-O in Den-O & Kiva: Climax Deka) as MagnaAngemon
  • Yuma Uchida as Ryudamon


  • The episodes are being written by Reynoman.
  • D-Tamer suit designs were made by PurFox.
  • The Royal Card Riders are based on the riders from Kamen Rider Blade.
    • Before Blade was chosen, both Kamen Rider 555 and Kamen Rider Amazons were in consideration.
      • On April 11, 2020, Riders from both 555 and Amazons can now appear as “Dial Force” and “Savage” Riders respectively.