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This article is about a/an rider in Power Rider D-Tamer.
Max Hunter
Max Hunter
D-Tamer Agu
Gender: Male
Series: Power Rider D-Tamer
Motif: Agumon
Tyrannosaurus rex
Rider Type: Protagonist
Hero (as D-Tamer Agu)
Villain (brainwashed)
Affiliation: Virgo
Homeworld: Earth
First Appearance: Start of the Adventure
Last Appearance:
The Number of Episode Appearances: 45 (D-Tamer)
2 (Movies)
Actor: Aaron Dismuke
Junya Enoki (Japanese Dub)
D-Tamer Agu
D-Tamer Agu

Max Hunter is a 16-year-old American teenager who came into contact with a Digimon named Agumon, who gave him the ability to become D-Tamer Agu.

Character History[]


Max's parents abandoned him as a child & he spent most of his childhood in foster care.


Max is very tall with olive skin, red hair, & blue eyes.


He is determined and careful, but can also be very sarcastic and a bit impatient.


D-Tamer Agu
"D-Tamer Agu, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Agu

D-Tamer Agu

D-Tamer Agu is Max's default Rookie form, activated when he inserts Agumon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive, causing Agumon to merge with Max.


  • Pepper Flame: D-Tamer Agu fires a flame from his hands to attack the opponent.
  • Crossfire: D-Tamer Agu gathers power & then slashes the foe.

D-Tamer Grey
"Form Change! D-Tamer Grey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Grey is Max's main Champion form, activated when he inserts Greymon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.


  • Nova Blast: D-Tamer Grey fires ultra-high-temperature flames or a flame shot from his hands to reduce everything to ashes.

D-Tamer MetalGrey
"Form Change! D-Tamer MetalGrey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer MetalGrey is Max's main Ultimate form, activated when he inserts MetalGreymon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. A Digivolved version of Grey, D-Tamer MetalGrey is a more mechanized version with a metallic arm, helmet, & wings.

D-Tamer WarGrey
"Form Change! D-Tamer WarGrey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer WarGrey is Max's main Mega (as well as his final form), activated when he inserts WarGreymon's Digicard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Omni
"Form Merge! D-Tamer Omni, DNA Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Omni is an Ultra form that is the combination of D-Tamer WarGrey & D-Tamer MetalGaruru, assumed whenever either inserts Omnimon's DigiCard into his DNA DigiDrive. This sentient D-Tamer form possesses the power of both WarGreymon & MetalGarurumon.

D-Tamer VictoryGrey
"Form Change! D-Tamer VictoryGrey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer VictoryGrey is an Ultra form Max can assume whenever he inserts VictoryGreymon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. A Digivolved form of WarGrey, D-Tamer VictoryGrey wields a gigantic crushing sword, the Dramon Breaker, & can fight against his opponents with unique sword techniques.

D-Tamer AncientGrey
"Form Change! D-Tamer AncientGrey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer AncientGrey is an alternate Mega form Max can assume whenever he inserts AncientGreymon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Samudra
"Form Change! D-Tamer Samudra, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Samudra is an alternate Mega form Max can assume whenever he inserts Samudramon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. In this form, D-Tamer Samudra wears traditional Japanese samurai armor, & he wields the Kikurin Swords, two uniquely shaped swords that leave behind eerie tracks of light which cut to pieces anything that comes into contact with them.

D-Tamer MetalGrey
"Form Change! D-Tamer MetalGrey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

This corrupt version of D-Tamer MetalGrey occurs when MetalGreymon's DigiCard is infected with a Virus.

D-Tamer BlitzGrey
"Form Change! D-Tamer BlitzGrey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer BlitzGrey is an alternate Mega form Max can assume whenever he inserts BlitzGreymon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. Striking with the Plasma Stakes on both of his arms, D-Tamer BlitzGrey can destroy even the sturdiest of structures by sending a surge of electricity through it.

D-Tamer Omni Alter-S
"Form Merge! D-Tamer Omni, DNA Digivolve! Alter-S Modify!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Omni Alter-S is an Ultra form that is the combination of D-Tamer BlitzGrey & D-Tamer CresGaruru, assumed whenever either inserts Omnimon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive via the D-Modify Alter-S Card. Resembling an enhanced version of D-Tamer Omni, this sentient D-Tamer form possesses the power of both BlitzGreymon & CresGarurumon.

D-Tamer SkullGrey
"Form Change! D-Tamer SkullGrey, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer SkullGrey is a corrupt alternate Champion form, assumed whenever Max inserts SkullGreymon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. A skeletal version of D-Tamer Grey, D-Tamer SkullGrey loses all senses of sanity & becomes a violent berserker.

D-Tamer Machinedra
"Form Change! D-Tamer Machinedra, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Machinedra is an alternate mecha Mega form Max can assume whenever he inserts Machinedramon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer HiMachinedra
"Form Change! D-Tamer HiMachinedra, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer HiMachinedra is an alternate mecha Ultra form Max can assume whenever he inserts HiMachinedramon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. A Digivolved form of Machinedra, D-Tamer HiMachinedra is equipped with two Cosmic Cannons.

D-Tamer Chaosdro
"Form Change! D-Tamer Chaosdro, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Chaosdro is an alternate Ultra form Max can assume whenever he inserts Chaosdromon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Apocaly
"Form Change! D-Tamer Apocaly, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Apocaly is an alternate mecha Ultra form Max can assume whenever he inserts Apocalymon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Centaru
"Form Change! D-Tamer Centaru, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Centaru is an alternate Champion form Max can assume whenever he inserts Centarumon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. In this form, D-Tamer Centaru is centaur-like in appearance.

D-Tamer Sagittari
"Armor Form Change! D-Tamer Sagittari, Armor Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Sagittari is an Armor form Max can assume from his alternate Champion form, D-Tamer Centaru. It is accessed through the power of the Crest of Hope, which Max inserts into his DigiDrive.


  • Judgement Arrow: Fires an arrow made of of the super-metal Chrome Digizoid.
  • Meteor Gallop

D-Tamer Mera
"Form Change! D-Tamer Mera, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Mera is an alternate Champion form Max can assume whenever he inserts Meramon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. In this form, D-Tamer Mera has pyrokinetic abilities.

D-Tamer BlueMera
"Form Change! D-Tamer BlueMera, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer BlueMera is an alternate Ultimate form Max can assume whenever he inserts BlueMeramon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Bolt
"Form Change! D-Tamer Bolt, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Bolt is an alternate Mega form Max can assume whenever he inserts Boltmon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive. In this form, D-Tamer Bolt resembles Frankenstein's monster.

D-Tamer SkullMera
"Form Change! D-Tamer SkullMera, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer SkullMera is an alternate Ultimate form Max can assume whenever he inserts SkullMeramon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Beelze
"Form Change! D-Tamer Beelze, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Beelze is an alternate Mega form Max can assume whenever he inserts Beelzemon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Beelze: Blast Mode
"Form Change! D-Tamer Beelze, Digivolve! Blast Modify!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Beelze: Blast Mode is an enhanced form of D-Tamer Beelze, assumed whenever Max uses the D-Modify Blast Card. In this form, D-Tamer Beelze Blast Mode has four black wings & a large energy cannon, the Corona Blaster, integrated into his right arm.

D-Tamer Gankoo
"Form Change! D-Tamer Gankoo, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Gankoo is an alternate Mega form Max can assume whenever he inserts Gankoomon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

Digivolution Chart[]

Rookie Champion Ultimate Mega Ultra (Over Mega) Armor
Agu Grey MetalGrey Vaccine WarGrey Omni (w/ MetalGaruru)
Virus BlitzGrey Omni Alter-S (w/ CresGaruru)
SkullGrey Machinedra HiMachinedra
Chaosdro Apocaly
Centaru Sagittari
Mera BlueMera Bolt
SkullMera Beelze Beelze Blast Mode



  • DigiDrive - Transformation device
    • DNA DigiDrive - An upgraded version of the DigiDrive; used for accessing DNA Digivolutions
  • DigiCards - Transformation trinkets
Digivolution Cards Attack Cards
Rookie Agumon Terriermon
Champion Greymon
Ultimate MetalGreymon
Mega WarGreymon
Ultra (Over Mega) Omnimon

  • Apocalymon
  • D-Modify Cards - Special DigiCards used to upgrade &/or modify certain D-Tamer forms.
    • Alter-S Card - Used to activate D-Tamer Omni Alter-S.
    • Blast Card - Used to upgrade D-Tamer Beelze into Blast Mode.

Behind the scenes[]

Voice Actor[]

Max Hunter is voiced by American voice actor Aaron Dismuke, who is best known for his role as Alphonse Elric in the English dub for Fullmetal Alchemist, whom he voiced when he was 12 years old.


  • Max is similar to Kit Taylor, the main protagonist in the series Kamen Rider: Dragon Knight, as both are orphans who are searching for their parents.