Kamen Rider Fan Fiction Wiki
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This article is about a/an rider in Power Rider D-Tamer.
Finnegan Lane
Finnegan Lane
D-Tamer Gao
Gender: Male
Series: Power Rider D-Tamer
Motif: Gaomon
Akita Inu
Professional boxer
Rider Type: Hero/Antihero (as D-Tamer Gao)
Affiliation: Virgo
Homeworld: Earth
First Appearance: Start of the Adventure
Last Appearance:
The Number of Episode Appearances: TBA (D-Tamer)
TBA (Movies)
TBA (Specials)
Actor: Austin Tindle
Toshiki Seto (Japanese Dub)
D-Tamer Gao
D-Tamer Gao

Finnegan "Finn" Lane is a 15-year-old Irish-American teenager who, through the power of his Digimon partner Gaomon, can become D-Tamer Gao.

Character History[]

Finn's parents immigrated from Ireland to America, where he was born. His father passed away 11 years ago, leaving his mother, a carpenter Catrina, to look after him.


Finn is very tall for his age with light skin, copper hair, & blue eyes.


Finn is easygoing & creative, but can also be very easily offended & a bit moody.


D-Tamer Gao
"D-Tamer Gao, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Gao

D-Tamer Gao

D-Tamer Gao is Finn's default Rookie form, activated when he inserts Gaomon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

With his keen movements, D-Tamer Gao specializes in "Hit & Away" attacks. 

D-Tamer Gaoga
"Form Change! D-Tamer Gaoga, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Gaoga is Finn's main Champion form, activated when he inserts Gaogamon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer MachGaoga
"Form Change! D-Tamer MachGaoga, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer MachGaoga is Finn's main Ultimate form, activated when he inserts MachGaomon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer MachGaoga carries rocket engines with enormous propulsive power on his back. Although his flight duration is limited, D-Tamer MachGaoga momentarily exploits his maximum thrust, & is most skilled in "Hit & Away".

D-Tamer MirageGaoga
"Form Change! D-Tamer MirageGaoga, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer MirageGaoga is Finn's main Mega form, activated whenever he inserts MirageGaogamon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer MirageGaoga's whole body is clad in Chrome Digizoid armor, & as a result of him moving at incomparable speeds, D-Tamer MirageGaoga deceives the opponent by appearing to only be a mirage.

D-Tamer MirageGaoga: Burst Mode
"Form Change! D-Tamer MirageGaoga, Digivolve! Burst Modify!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer MirageGaoga: Burst Mode is an enhanced form of D-Tamer MirageGaoga, assumed when Finn uses the D-Modify Burst Card.

It is a unique form of D-Tamer MirageGaoga that has temporarily reached the limits of his abilities through Burst Digivolution, & wears a weapon & an aura of planetary-class high-energy.

D-Tamer ZeedGaruru
"Form Change! D-Tamer ZeedGaruru, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer ZeedGaruru is an alternate Mega form Finn can assume whenever he inserts ZeedGarurumon's DigiCard (lent to him by Mako) into his DigiDrive.

D-Tamer ZeedGaruru's weapons & ammunition are equipped throughout his body, so his physical strength isn't consumed, & he can sustain a rain of bullets for a long duration. 

D-Tamer BlackGaoga
"Form Change! D-Tamer BlackGaoga, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer BlackGaoga is an alternate Champion form Finn can assume whenever he inserts BlackGaogamon's DigiCard into his DigiDrive.

In this form, D-Tamer BlackGaoga is more resilient & takes less damage as compared to D-Tamer Gaogamon, at the expense of his speed.

Digivolution Chart[]

Rookie Champion Ultimate Mega Ultra (Over Mega)
Gao Gaoga MachGaoga MirageGaoga MirageGaoga Burst Mode



  • DigiDrive - Transformation device
  • DigiCards - Transformation trinkets
Digivolution Cards Attack Cards
Rookie Gaomon
Champion Gaogamon Togemon
Ultimate MachGaogamon
Mega MirageGaogamon
ZeedGarurumon (temporarily; lent by Mako Kojima)
  • D-Modify Cards - Special DigiCards used to upgrade &/or modify certain D-Tamer forms.
    • Burst Card - Used to upgrade D-Tamer MirageGaoga into Burst Mode.

