Kamen Rider Fan Fiction Wiki
Icon-revice This article is about a/an rider in Hasbro's Demon Warriors.

"Hey little bro, I told you I'd be back! Missed me?"
―Danny's first words after his revival
―What Danny usually says whenever one of his plans goes wrong or does something stupid he doesn't mean to

This article is about the Demon Warriors version of Danny. For more information on the Robo Force version of this character, please check out the Power Rangers/Super Sentai fanon Wiki page for Danny.

Daniel "Danny" Adams is a 22-year-old who serves as the deputy leader of the Phoenix Corps' "Science and Research" division which his husband Luke is also currently a member of. Six years ago (Just before he left Earth for Andresia in Power Rangers Robo Force), he operated as Demon Warrior Imperial while in the custody of the Vulcan Brotherhood before escaping. After his inner demon, Amon, resurfaced in the present day, Danny would briefly join the side of evil by aligning himself with the demon and Phoenix Corps director Xavier Williams.

He and Luke would later become Demon Warrior Unity after Danny blocked Amon's finishing attack (which would've killed Luke if it landed) and refused to go through with the demon's plan if it meant getting rid of the person that he loved most.


Please read the Riderwiki page for his Rider counterpart to find out about this section.


Danny was once a tortured individual driven to insanity from constant military testing during his teenage years and long stretches of seemingly endless fighting as Demon Warrior Imperial. It nearly broke him both physically and mentally, but reuniting with his boyfriend Luke blossomed in him a dormant desire for a stress-free and peaceful relationship as his kindness and warmth had convinced him to leave this life, which ultimately healed Danny as a person thus returning him to the happy and joyful soul he once was. Despite his cunning intellect, he could also be quite clumsy and stupid at times which would've most often lead to his humiliation.

Upon his past memories resurfacing, Danny became more serious and driven by the responsibility to end Amon's vile schemes once and for all, despite his poor physical condition.

Powers and Abilities


  • Demon Hybrid Physiology: After being born from a person that was infused with Lord Zorgaroth's DNA, Danny could safely transform into a Demon Warrior using the Demon Stamp system.
  • Inner Demon Control: Danny possessed the ability to keep his inner demon Amon under control, enabling him to use the Imperial Scanner. However, compared to James and the others, Danny was prone to become victim to Amon's possession and could only resist him if his willpower to protect Luke and his friends was strong enough.


  • Memory Loss: Likely due to his connection with Amon and having Zorgaroth's DNA, Danny was prone to memory loss which resulted in him losing most of his previous memories (save for Luke and his time as Demon Warrior Imperial). However, once Amon fully emerged, his past memories started to return.
  • Zorgaroth's Genes: Although Lorg Zorgaroth's genetics gave him the ability to become a Demon Warrior, attempting to remove them from Danny's body would bring him close to the brink of death; he barely survived when Colin and George Myers extracted his cells to create the Zorgard Rex Demon Stamp for James and Vice.

Former Weaknesses

  • Amon: As much as Amon's life was dependent on Danny's, the same also applied vice versa so Danny would die if Amon was killed. It had later been revealed, that since Luke killed Amon he technically freed Danny from his contract with the demon thus separating them and breaking the curse meaning that Danny can remain alive despite Amon still being dead.


Demon Warrior Unity


Unity Warrior Mode
  • Unity Warrior Mode is the fusion form of Demon Warrior Imperial and the person that Imperial loves most. This form is only able to be accessed when the feelings of Imperial and his/her lover are in complete sync with one another.

Demon Warrior Imperial


Beetle Warrior Mode
  • Beetle Warrior Mode is Imperial's rhinoceros beetle-themed primary form accessed by using the Beetle Demon Stamp in the Imperial Scanner.



Behind the Scenes


See Also
