Kamen Rider Fan Fiction Wiki
Icon-revice This article is about a/an set of collectible devices in Kamen Rider Animalia.

The Beastamps are stamp-like devices used by the Riders in Kamen Rider Animalia.



Based on the Phistamp found in the ruins of Central and South America in 1972, Jonathan Marks developed the Beastamps as a way to separate people from their demons. They can be used to make a contract with an inner demon and release it from the body, allowing it to materialize. The genetic information of a specific organism is also stored in each Beastamp. Later, Jonathan's son Ryder Marks continued his father's research. After becoming a scientist at Genome X, he incorporated the R-factor into the Beastamps and created the Animalia System as a way to harness the power of demons in order to fight the Cult of Phisto. Beastamps are used to either transform into a Kamen Rider or change between various Genome forms.

Demon Beastamps[]

KRRe-Mammoth Proto Vistamp

The Mammoth Demon Beastamp

The Demon Beastamps are prototype versions of normal Beastamps. After being stolen from Genome X, they are used by the Cult of Phisto to create Innemons. After being recovered, they can be completed by Genome X to create normal Beastamps for the Kamen Riders to use. Unlike normal Beastamps, the Demon Beastamps are not based off of a Legend Rider and solely contain an animal's genetic information. While Demon Beastamps can be used in the Emboss Wildriver for transformation, it is implied by Ryder that using them to Animix may have unstable side effects. Our Sister's Role Vance Watts later has multiple copies of all of the Demon Beastamps created for Zebul to use.


A Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Stamp Activator - The Beastamp's activation device. When pressed with a finger, the Beastamp emits light and shifts to its active state. At the same time, the unique name of the Beastamp is announced and an alert is issued. It also functions as a controller to temporarily operate a stamped object.
  • Beastamp Body - The Beastamp's exterior. Geo Armor, a rock native to Central and South America that has an impressive marble-like pattern, is used for the outer material. It is extremely strong and resistant to environmental changes. Additionally, it does not require any external support systems such as a power supply or temperature control, so it is possible to stably maintain and manage the genetic information independently.
  • Beast Symbol - A metal relief that represents the stored genetic information. Its shape allows it to be distinguished even in the dark, preventing misuse.
  • Genome Holder - A special container for storing the Beastamp's genetic information. Genetic information that can be said to be a blueprint of a species is stored inside. Originally colorless and transparent, it changes color due to the refractive index of light changing in response to the contents. Similar to a medicine bottle, it prevents the deterioration of its contents.
  • Genome Stamper - The face of the Beastamp. By pressing it against a human body, a contract can be formed with the demon inside and release it. The special information transmission code called the Beastamp Code that appears at the time of stamping has the role of transmitting the genetic information of the species stored in the Beastamp to the demon and conferring its ability. The Beastamp Code, which is highly visible and similar to an emoji, enables the instantaneous transmission of a huge amount of information as large as one zettabyte.


To activate a Beastamp in order to use it, the user presses the Stamp Activator located at the top.

Rider Transformation[]

  • Emboss Wildriver: After stamping the Beastamp onto the screen of the Emboss Wildriver, the user then inserts the stamp into the Driver and pulls it to the side, flipping the screen to face forward and transforming the user and their inner demon into Kamen Riders Anima and Malia respectively.
  • Dual Unitedriver: After stamping the Beastamp onto the Dual Unitedriver, the user inserts it into the docked Nocturn Saber/Diurn Blaster. The user then detaches the weapon from the Driver body and pulls the trigger. If the Nocturn Saber is used, the user will transform into Kamen Rider Nocturn. If the Diurn Blaster is used, the user will transform into Kamen Rider Diurn.
  • Cage Expandriver/Hive Apidriver: After activation, the Beastamp is inserted into the slot of the Cage Expandriver/Hive Apidriver. The user then rotates the driver 90 degrees clockwise, initiating the user's transformation.
  • Arthro Driver/Beelze Driver/Dynas Driver: After stamping the Beastamp on the top of the Driver, it is then stamped on the Driver's front screen, initiating the user's transformation.
  • Zygotes Driver/Migotes Driver: The user inserts the activated Beastamp into the Driver and pulls it to the side, initiating the transformation.

Weapon Finishers[]

  • Wild Blastchopper: Prior to insertion, the Beastamp is stamped into the screen of the Wild Blastchopper. After insertion, the user pulls one of the two triggers, initiating a Sealing Slash or Sealing Blast depending on which mode the weapon is in.
  • Wild Smashammer: After scanning a Beastamp, the user pulls the trigger, executing a Wild Smash finisher with its power.

Innemon Creation/Transformation[]

When a Demon Beastamp is activated and then stamped onto a person's body, their inner demon is released and materialized in the form of an Innemon. A regular Beastamp can also be used. The Beastamp that was used to create the Innemon is required in order for the user to form a higher contract and fuse with the Innemon to become an Advanced Phase Innemon. Phistages instead use their Demon Beastamps to transform into their Omega Phase Innemon forms at will. By using a Demon Beastamp on themselves and stamping the Phistamp on Phisto's coffin at the same time, a human will assume the associated Innemon form while also gaining the power of Phisto, resulting in an Ultimate Phase Innemon.

Inner Demon Materialization[]

Rather than creating an Innemon, the Carter siblings (T.J., Jacob, and Tasha) are able to materialize their inner demons in their natural forms. This is done via the host stamping their personal Beastamp on their bodies. Saurex is materialized with the Tyranno Beastamp, Skade with the Bat Beastamp, and Najathi with the Cobra Beastamp.

List of Beastamps[]

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! T-T-T-Tyranno!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Dino! Duo! Let's get going! Kamen Riders! Anima and Malia!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Tyranno Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Tyranno!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Tyranno Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Tyranno Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Tyranno Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Riders Anima and Malia, the former using it to transform the two into their default form, Tyranno Genome. It also accidentally created the Tyranno Innemon when Aidan Morgan attempted to use the Emboss Wildriver, and was used by T.J. to temporarily give Saurex a physical body. It contains the genetic information of a tyrannosaurus rex.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Rival Up! Winged rodent of the night! Bat! Kamen Rider Nocturn! Hahahahaha!"
―Kamen Rider Nocturn transformation announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Final Stamp! Bat Nocturnal Finish!"
―Kamen Rider Nocturn finisher announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Rival Up! Winged creature of the light! Bat! Kamen Rider Diurn! Yeah!"
―Kamen Rider Diurn transformation announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Final Stamp! Bat Diurnal Finish!"
―Kamen Rider Diurn finisher announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Ready Up! B-B-B-Bat!"
―Looping standby announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! Light side! Dark night! Dual side! Bat!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Bat Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Bat!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Bat Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Bat Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Bat Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Riders Nocturn and Diurn, both of whom use it to transform into their default form, Bat Genome. It can also be stamped onto the ground to create a swarm of bats. It contains the genetic information of a bat.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Freedom Up! Ring the bell! Let the fight begin! Kamen Rider Ssstrike!"
―Transformation announcement with the Cage Expandriver[src]

"Cobra Stamping Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver standard finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Cobra Freedom Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver second finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Co-Co-Cobra!"
―Looping standby announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! Slithering! Striking! Biting! Cobra!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Cobra Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Cobra!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Cobra Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Cobra Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Cobra Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Strike who uses it to transform into her default form, Cobra Genome. It was created by Genesis and contains the genetic information of a cobra.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Rise Up! Decide. Your. Destiny. Kamen Rider. Arthro!"
―Transformation announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Ready Up! Spi-Spi-Spider!"
―Looping standby announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! Web spinning! Wall crawling! Attacking! Spider!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Spider Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Spider!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Spider Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Spider Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Spider Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Arthro who uses it to transform into their default form, Spider Genome. It contains the genetic information of a spider.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Zebul Up! Destroy! Ruin! End! Kamen Rider! Beelze!"
―Transformation announcement with the Beelze Driver[src]

Kabuto Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Beelze who uses it to transform into his default form. It was created by the DRE Division and contains the genetic information of a Japanese rhinoceros beetle.

"Stag Beetle!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Max Up! Upgrade! Optimize! Attack! Kamen Rider Max Arthro!"
―Transformation announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Ready Up! Stag-Stag-Stag Beetle!"
―Looping standby announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! Dual blader! Steadying! Slashing! Stag Beetle!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Stag Beetle Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Stag Beetle!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Stag Beetle Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Stag Beetle Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Stag Beetle Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Max Arthro, who uses it to transform into his Stag Beetle Genome. It contains the genetic information of a stag beetle.

"Queen Bee!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Gathering Up! All hail the queen! Bow to! Kamen Rider Hive!"
―Transformation announcement with the Hive Apidriver[src]

"Queen Bee Stamping Charge!"
―Hive Apidriver standard finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Queen Bee Stamping Sting!"
―Hive Apidriver second finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Queen-Queen-Queen Bee!"
―Looping standby announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! Collecting! Buzzing! Stinging! Queen Bee!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Queen Bee Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Queen Bee!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Queen Bee Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Queen Bee Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Queen Bee Beastamp: Used by Kamen Rider Hive to transform into her default form. It was created from the Queen Bee Demon Beastamp by Genesis and contains the genetic information of a queen bee.

"Nesting Spider!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Rise Up! Prime. Activate. Transform. Kamen Rider!"
―Transformation announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Final Stamp! Nesting Spider Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Nesting Spider Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Nesting Spider Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Arthro Nest S. Compared to the Spider Beastamp, it is more versatile due to reducing the amount of information and simplifying it. It contains the genetic information of a spider.

"Nesting Stag Beetle!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Rise Up! Prime. Activate. Transform. Kamen Rider!"
―Transformation announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Final Stamp! Nesting Stag Beetle Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Nesting Stag Beetle Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Nesting Stag Beetle Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Arthro Nest SB. Compared to the Stag Beetle Beastamp, it is more versatile due to reducing the amount of information and simplifying it. It contains the genetic information of a stag beetle.

"Hercules Beetle!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Prime Up! Plan! Rebuild! Evolve! Kamen Rider Dynas!"
―Transformation announcement with the Dynas Driver[src]

Hercules Beetle Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Dynas, who uses it to transform into his default form, Hercules Beetle Genome. It contains the genetic information of a Hercules beetle.

"Dual Chimera!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Dual Wild! Come on! Chimera!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Zygotes Driver[src]

"Fuse Up! Death roll pincer! Double beast! Kamen Rider! Bestial!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"King Crab Zygotend!"
―First finisher announcement[src]

"Crocodile Zygotend!"
―Second finisher announcement[src]

"Dual Chimera Zygotend!"
―Third finisher announcement[src]

"Multi Animix! Ready Up! Dual Chimera Burst!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Crustacean ruler! Saltwater danger! Dual Chimera!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

Dual Chimera Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Bestial, who uses it to transform into his default form. It contains the genetic information of a king crab and a crocodile.

"Trinity Chimera!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Trinity Wild! Come on! Chimera!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Zygotes Driver[src]

"Fuse Up! Deep charge crawler! Triple danger! Kamen Rider Trinity! Beware."
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Octopus Zygotend!"
―First finisher announcement[src]

"Black Rhino Zygotend!"
―Second finisher announcement[src]

"Centipede Zygotend!"
―Third finisher announcement[src]

"Trinity Chimera Zygotend!"
―Fourth finisher announcement[src]

"Multi Animix! Ready Up! Trinity Chimera Burst!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Tentacle wielder! Horn piercer! Creepy crawler! Trinity Chimera!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

Trinity Chimera Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Trinity, who uses it to transform into his default form. It contains the genetic information of an octopus, a black rhinoceros, and a giant centipede.

"Mighty Chimera!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Ten Beasts! Rise Up! The Ultimate Rider!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Migotes Driver[src]

"Mix Up! Rise! The greatest power! The ultimate creation! Kamen Rider Might! Beyond All."
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Speeding Geno Attack!"
―First finisher announcement[src]

"Slashing Geno Attack!"
―Second finisher announcement[src]

"Breaking Geno Attack!"
―Third finisher announcement[src]

"Ultimate Geno Finish!"
―Fourth finisher announcement[src]

"Partner Up! The greatest! The ultimate! The evolved! Mighty Rider! Next Level!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

Mighty Chimera Beastamp: Serves as the personal Beastamp of Kamen Rider Might, who uses it to transform into his default form. It contains the genetic information of all of Animalia's 10 main Beastamps.

These Beastamps are based on past Knight and New Era Riders and are primarily used by Animalia.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! E-E-E-Eagle!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Searching wings! Soaring detective! Eagle Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Eagle Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Eagle!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Eagle Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Eagle Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Eagle Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to assume their Eagle Genome. It contains the genetic information of an eagle and is based on Duo Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! M-M-M-Mammoth!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Grab your pass! Ride the rails! Mammoth Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Mammoth Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Mammoth!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Mammoth Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Mammoth Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Mammoth Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to assume their Mammoth Genome. It contains the genetic information of a mammoth and is based on Train Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Pt-Pt-Pt-Ptera!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Winged service! Dial it up! Ptera Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Ptera Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Ptera!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Ptera Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Ptera Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Ptera Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to access their Ptera Genome. It contains the genetic information of a Pteranodon and is based on Phi Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! L-L-L-Lion!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Kingly roar! The new legend! Lion Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Lion Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Lion!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Lion Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Lion Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Lion Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to access their Lion Genome. It contains the genetic information of a lion and is based on Mighty Knight. A fake Lion Beastamp was created by Ryder Marks to lure Thanatos and Berus.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! M-M-M-Megalo!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Passing through! Sea to sea! Megalo Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Megalo Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Megalo!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Megalo Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Megalo Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Megalo Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to assume their Megalo Genome. It contains the genetic information of the megalodon and is based on Deca Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Ja-Ja-Ja-Jackal!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Press start! The clever one! Jackal Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Jackal Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Jackal!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Rival Up! The stalking beast of danger! Kamen Rider Nocturn! Jackal!"
―Kamen Rider Nocturn's transformation announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Final Stamp! Jackal Nocturnal Finish!"
―Kamen Rider Nocturn finisher announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Rival Up! The watching beast of justice! Kamen Rider Diurn! Jackal!"
―Kamen Rider Diurn's transformation announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Final Stamp! Jackal Diurnal Finish!"
―Kamen Rider Diurn finisher announcement with the Dual Unitedriver[src]

"Final Stamp! Jackal Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Jackal Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Jackal Beastamp: Allows Animalia, Nocturn, or Diurn to access their Jackal Genome. Originally used by Anima and Malia, it was later taken by Nocturn. When Jacob regained control of his body and become Kamen Rider Diurn, he continued to use the Jackal Beastamp. It contains the genetic information of a jackal and is based on Action Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Go-Go-Go-Gorilla!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Show your strength! Go through space! Gorilla Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Gorilla Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Gorilla!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Merge Up! Gorilla! Genome Dynasty!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Dynas Driver[src]

"Gorilla Final Dynasty!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Gorilla Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Gorilla Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Gorilla Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to access their Gorilla Genome. It is also used by Dynas to access his Gorilla Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of a gorilla and is based on Quasar Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Ma-Ma-Ma-Mantis!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Dice 'em! Slice 'em! Mantis Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Mantis Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Mantis!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Mantis Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Mantis Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Mantis Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to access their Mantis Genome. It contains the genetic information of a mantis and is based on Lock Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Br-Br-Br-Brachio!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Oldest in time! Rejoice, the king has arrived! Brachio Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Brachio Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Brachio!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Brachio Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Brachio Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Brachio Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to access their Brachio Genome. It contains the genetic information of a Brachiosaurus and is based on Quantum Knight.

"Neo Hopper!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! N-N-N-N-Neo Hopper!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Jump into the future! Kick Forever! Neo Hopper Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Neo Hopper Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Neo Hopper!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Neo Hopper Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Neo Hopper Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Neo Hopper Beastamp: Allows Anima and Malia to access their Neo Hopper Genome. This Beastamp was created by Ryder Marks in 2072 and given to Saurex, who had traveled from the present. It was presumably erased along with the future it came from after the defeat of Demolon. Ryder would later create the Neo Hopper Beastamp in 2023, much earlier than his original future self. It contains the genetic information of a grasshopper and is based on Kamen Rider Zerone.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Weaponize Up! Arm up with Shoebill! Let's go!"
―Najathi Genome Change announcement with the Cage Expandriver[src]

"Shoebill Stamping Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver standard finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Shoebill Freedom Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver second finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Sh-Sh-Sh-Shoebill!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! TBA! Shoebill Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Shoebill Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Shoebill!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Shoebill Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Shoebill Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Shoebill Beastamp: Allows Strike to transform Najathi into her Shoebill Genome. It contains the genetic information of a shoebill and is based on Rock Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Weaponize Up! Summon Buffalo! Armed up!"
―Genome Change announcement with the Hive Apidriver[src]

"Buffalo Stamping Charge!"
―Hive Apidriver standard finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Buffalo Stamping Sting!"
―Hive Apidriver second finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Bu-Bu-Bu-Buffalo!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! TBA! Buffalo Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Buffalo Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Buffalo!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Buffalo Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Buffalo Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Buffalo Beastamp: Allows Hive to access her Buffalo Genome. Russel Beale originally attempted to use it to transform with the Hive Apidriver, but failed. It contains the genetic information of a buffalo and is based on Coin Knight.

"Komodo Dragon!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Merge Up! Komodo Dragon! Genome Dynasty!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Dynas Driver[src]

"Komodo Dragon Final Dynasty!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Komo-Komo-Komodo Dragon!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! TBA! Komodo Dragon Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Komodo Dragon Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Komodo Dragon!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Komodo Dragon Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Komodo Dragon Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Komodo Dragon Beastamp: Allows Dynas to access his Komodo Dragon Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of a Komodo dragon and is based on Drago Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Merge Up! Crocodile! Genome Dynasty!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Dynas Driver[src]

"Crocodile Final Dynasty!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Croc-Croc-Crocodile!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! TBA! Crocodile Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Crocodile Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Crocodile!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Crocodile Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Crocodile Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Crocodile Beastamp: Allows Dynas to access his Crocodile Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of a crocodile and is based on Mystic Knight.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Tri-Tri-Tricera!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! TBA! Tricera Genome!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Tricera Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Tricera!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Tricera Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Tricera Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Tricera Beastamp: Was used by Brittany Marks, who acted as if she was going to transform with the Hive Apidriver in order to trick Zebul into taking the Beastamp and using it himself. Zebul was prematurely depleted of his energy as a result, presumably due to modifications made to the Beastamp by Brittany. It contains the genetic information of a Triceratops and is based on Evolve Knight.

These Beastamps are based on Masked Era Riders and are used by both Strike and Aranea.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Weaponize Up! Arm up with Peacock! Let's go!"
―Najathi Genome Change announcement with the Cage Expandriver[src]

"Peacock Stamping Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver standard finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Peacock Freedom Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver second finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Pea-Pea-Peacock!"
―Looping standby announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Partner Up! Show your stuff! Strength of ten! Peacock Genome!"
―Transformation announcement in the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Peacock Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Peacock!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Peacock Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Peacock Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Peacock Beastamp: Allows Strike to transform her inner demon Najathi into her Peacock Genome, a pair of tessen fans. It contains the genetic information of a peafowl and is based on Masked Rider Cross-X.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Weaponize Up! Arm up with Turtle! Let's go!"
―Najathi Genome Change announcement with the Cage Expandriver[src]

"Turtle Stamping Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver standard finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Turtle Freedom Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver second finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! T-T-T-Turtle!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Hardened shell! Next evolution! Turtle Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Turtle Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Turtle!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Turtle Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Turtle Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Turtle Beastamp: Allows Strike to transform her inner demon Najathi into her Turtle Genome, a bazooka. It contains the genetic information of a turtle and is based on Masked Rider Next.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Merge Up! Hopper! Genomerge!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Hopper Genobreak!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! H-H-H-Hopper!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Jump around! Kick 'em away! Hopper Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Hopper Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Hopper!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Hopper Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Hopper Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Hopper Beastamp: Allows Arthro to access her Hopper Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of a grasshopper and is based on Masked Rider One.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Merge Up! Mole! Genomerge!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Mole Genobreak!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! M-M-M-Mole!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Digging up! Wild out! Mole Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Mole Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Mole!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Mole Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Mole Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Mole Beastamp: Allows Arthro to access her Mole Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of a mole and is based on Masked Rider Wild.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Merge Up! Scorpion! Genomerge!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Scorpion Genobreak!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Sc-Sc-Sc-Scorpion!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Piercing sting! Mark the spot! Scorpion Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Scorpion Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Scorpion!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Scorpion Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Scorpion Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Scorpion Beastamp: Allows Arthro to access her Scorpion Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of a scorpion and is based on Masked Rider X.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Merge Up! Anomalocaris! Genomerge!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Arthro Driver[src]

"Anomalocaris Genobreak!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Anomalocaris!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Deep hunter! Burning sun! Anomalocaris Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Anomalocaris Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Anomalocaris!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Anomalocaris Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Anomalocaris Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Anomalocaris Beastamp: Allows Arthro to access his Anmalocaris Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of an anomalocaris and is based on Masked Rider R.

These Beastamps are based on alternate forms or variations of Kamen Riders.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Merge up! Condor! Genomerge!"
―Genomerge Change announcement with the Aranea Driver[src]

"Mole Genobreak!"
―Genomerge finisher announcement[src]

"Ready Up! C-C-C-Condor!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Partner Up! Searching wings! Flying solo! Condor Genome!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Condor Stamping Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Partner Up! Ready Up! Merge Up! Finish Up! Condor!"
―Animix Mode transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Condor Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Condor Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Condor Beastamp: Allows Aranea to access her Condor Genomerge. It contains the genetic information of a condor and is based on Joker Knight. It is a repainted version of the Eagle Beastamp.

"Cracking Rex!"
―Activation announcement[src]

―Beastamp scanning announcement prior to transformation[src]

"Cracking! Ready Up! Cr-Cr-Cr-Cracking Rex!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Cracking Up! Hatching Kamen Rider! An-An-An-Ani! M-M-M-Ma! Ani-Ani-Ma-Ma! Let's go Anima!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Cr-Cr-Cr-Crack! Cr-Cr-Cr-Cracking Up!"
―Looping standby finisher announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Cracking Rex Fin-Fin-Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Rehatch! (Beastamp nicknames) Cracking Stamp Break!"
―Finisher announcement after scanning Beastamps[src]

"Rehatch! Maximum Cracking Stamp Break!"
―Finisher announcement after scanning Animalia's main 10 Beastamps[src]

"Final Stamp! Cracking Rex Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Cracking Rex Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Cracking Rex Beastamp: Used by Kamen Rider Anima to access his upgrade form, Cracking Rex Genome. It was created using the genetic information of Ryder Marks's 10 favorite Beastamps and completed with T.J.'s full trust in Saurex. The Cracking Rex Beastamp is later upgraded by Ryder, allowing both Anima and Malia to access Cracking Rex Genome simultaneously. To do so, Anima scans the Thunder Rex Beastamp on it instead of the Tyranno Beastamp prior to transformation.

The Cracking Rex Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Crack Scanner: The Beastamp reading device. After the Activate Cracker activation device is pressed, it reads the Tyranno Beastamp by stamping and is ready for transformation. In addition, after transformation, closing closing the special container for gene enrichment, the Hatch Shell, and reading a Beastamp at the same time after transformation activates the finishing move Cracking Stamp Break will be activated. It is possible to read up to 10 types.
  • Hatch Shell: The special container for Beastamp gene enrichment. Orginally, each Beastamp stores the genetic information of one Genome, but by increasing the capacity of genome storage and performing Genozium gene compression, storing up to 10 kinds of genetic information is realized.
  • Cracking Rex Symbol: A metal relief that represents the stored genetic information. It visually indicates that the Cracking Rex Beastamp is in its ability released state.
  • Activate Cracker: The Cracking Rex Beastamp's activation device. Pressing it will cause the Beastamp to emit light and shift to its active state. At the same time, the unique name is announced and an alert is issued.
  • Cracking Rex Beastamp Body: The Cracking Rex Beastamp's exterior. By using a special alloy that is a further evolution of the Stampium utilized in the Emboss Wildriver as the exterior material, it has the property of minimizing the transmission loss of genetic information produced by extremely high rigidity and high permeability.
  • Genome Stamper: The stamp face of the Cracking Rex Beastamp. By stamping on the Emboss Wildriver, the power of 10 kinds of Genomes can be instantaneously transmitted by the Beastamp Code special information transmission code.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Heat Up!"
―Combination announcement when attached to the Cracking Rex Beastamp announcement[src]

"Full Fire! Ready Up! Vol-Vol-Volcano!"
―Looping transformation standby announcement[src]

"Burst Up! Scorching heat! Break the ice! Let's go! Animalia!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Burst Up! Scorching heat! Let's go! Animalia!"
―Standalone transformation announcement[src]

"Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Magna! Burning Magna!"
―Looping finisher standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Volcanic Eruption!"
Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Volcanic Animix! Heat Up! Shoot Up! Burn Up! Light Up! Magma!"
―Animix finisher announcement[src]

"Volcanic Animix! Burst Up! Scorching Volcano Finish!"
―Standalone Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Volcano Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Volcano Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Volcano Beastamp: Used by Kamen Rider Anima and Kamen Rider Malia to access their respective upgrade forms, Magma Rex Genome and Cracking Rex Genome.

The Volcano Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Stamp Activator: The Volcano Beastamp's activation device. When pressed with a finger, the Beastamp emits light and shifts to its active state. At the same time, the unique name is announced and an alert is issued. It also functions as a controller to temporarily control a stamped object.
  • Eruption Symbol: A relief showing the ability of the Volcano Beastamp. It visually indicates that the Cracking Rex Beastamp is in the Volcano state.
  • Volcano Beastamp Body: The Volcano Beastamp's exterior. By using a special alloy that is a further evolution of the Stampium utilized in the Emboss Wildriver as the exterior material, it has the property of minimizing the transmission loss of genetic information produced by extremely high rigidity and high permeability.
  • Crack Connector: The Volcano Beastamp's coupler. After being stamped on the Genomper Pad of the Emboss Wildriver, it is firmly connected to the Cracking Rex Beastamp. This allows Kamen Rider Anima's Magma Rex Genome and Kamen Rider Malia's Cracking Rex Genome to be operated at the same time.
  • Magma Releaser: The Volcano Beastamp's detonator. By turning the knob after connecting to the Cracking Rex Beastamp, the evolution of the Genome is started and it shifts to the Burst Up standby state.
  • Genome Stamper: The stamp face of the Beastamp. The special information transmission code called the Beastamp Code, which is highly visible and similar to an emoji, can instantly transmit the genetic information of the species stored in the Beastamp to the Emboss Wildriver.

"Let's Switch and Go!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Rolling! Ma-Ma-Malia!"
―Looping transformation standby announcement[src]

"Malia Up! Roll! Repaint! Hijack! Kamen Rider Ani~Ma-Ma-Ma-Ma-Malia!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

―Looping finisher standby announcement[src]

"Rolling Stamp Finish!"
Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Painting Animix! Load up! Rolling! Coating! Painting!"
―Animix finisher announcement[src]

"Load Up! Rolling Stamp Punch!"
―Standalone finisher announcement outside the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"(Beastamp name)! Coating!"
―Beastamp scanning announcement[src]

"Painting Bash!"
―Standalone finisher announcement after scanning a Beastamp[src]

"Final Stamp! Roller Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Roller Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Roller Beastamp: Used by Animalia to access their super form, Demon Animalia. The Roller Beastamp can also be used alone as a weapon. It was created by Brittany Marks in order to prevent Saurex from going out of control due to the influence of Phisto. However, using it to transform results in T.J. Carter and Saurex switching places, with Saurex being permanently materialized and T.J. taking an immaterial form connected to the demon. As a result, T.J is only able to communicate with people other than Saurex by possessing the Cell Blaster. The Roller Beastamp can be posessed by Saurex as well as T.J. in his immaterial form.

T.J. does not actually become a demon, and still has human needs such as hunger. As a result, he will eventually starve if not not returned to normal. After scanning the Tyranno Beastamp on the Roller Beastamp and having T.J. possess the latter, Saurex can paint over himself using the Roller Beastamp in other to swap their places again and return the two to normal. At this point, T.J. can transform into and control Demon Animalia himself. However, doing so will result in T.J. and Saurex being fused into one body whenever they are untransformed.

The Roller Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Roller Beastamp Body: The Roller Beastamp's exterior. The exterior material is Merged Geo Armor, a composite material made mainly from rocks native to Central and South America that have an impressive marble pattern. As a result, it has gained about eight times the strength of tank armor, making it usable as a weapon for striking.
  • Rolling Genome Stamper: The stamp face of the Roller Beastamp. The special information transmission code Beastamp Code, which is highly visible and similar to an emoji, can instantly convey the genetic information stored in the Beastamp to the Emboss Wildriver. In addition, by setting it in the Wild Blastchopper after stamping, it will be in a standby state for activating the finishing move Roller Sealing Blast.
  • Roller Grip: The Roller Beastamp's grip. By grasping this part, painting, stamping, striking, etc. is performed. Also, when set in the Emboss Wildriver, it functions as a control device that enables advanced command inputs and activates finishing moves such as the Rolling Stamp Finish and Painting Animix.
  • Trigger Activator: The Roller Beastamp's trigger. By pulling the trigger, the Beastamp emits light and shifts to its active state. At the same time, the unique name is announced and an alert is issued. After this, it will be the starting point for activating various functions.
  • Coat Scanner: The Beastamp reading device. By reading the genetic information stored in the Beastamp, the finishing move Painting Bash that converts the extracted energy into attack power and releases it can be activated.
  • Repaint Roller: The Roller Beastamp's special roller. It has the function of expressing genome power as if painting a picture by combining information such as color and shape in a complex manner. As a result, by giving the ability to all objects and spaces, it demonstrates a higher responsiveness than the conventional Beastamp. In addition, when various finishing moves are activated, it can be quickly rotated to compress genome power at high speeds and charge ultra-high density energy.

"Radiant Wing!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Release the Wing!"
―Looping transformation standby announcement[src]

"Wing Open!"
―Announcement when the Winger Hammer is pressed[src]

"Light Up! Behold! The glorious wings of justice! Kamen Rider! Shining Diurn!"
―Transformation announcement with the Diurn Blaster and Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Lighten Up! Behold! The glorious wings of justice! Kamen Rider! Shining Diurn!"
―Transformation announcement with the Nocturn Saber[src]

"Diurn Charge! Brighten Up!"
―Looping finisher standby announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Shining Diurnal Finish!"
―Standard finisher announcement with the Diurn Blaster/Nocturn Saber[src]

"Wing Charging! Lighten Up! Radiant Diurnal Break!"
―Second finisher announcement with the Diurn Blaster/Nocturn Saber[src]

"Shining Diurnal Finish!"
―Standard finisher announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Lighten Up! Radiant Diurnal Break!"
―Second finisher announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Final Stamp! Roller Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Roller Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Radiant Wing Beastamp: Used by Kamen Rider Diurn to access his super form, Shining Diurn. Originally the Crow Beastamp, it evolved into the Radiant Wing Beastamp upon Skade being defeated in his duel with Jacob Carter. When Skade resurfaced, this Vistamp transformed into the Duality Wing Beastamp. It contains the genetic information of an albino crow.

The Radiant Wing Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Stamp Activator: The Radiant Wing Beastamp's activation device. When pressed with a finger, the Beastamp emits light and shifts to its active state. At the same time, the unique name of the Beastamp is announced and an alert is issued. After transformation, it also functions as a starter to activate the finishing move Shining Diurnal Finish.
  • Winger Hammer: The Radiant Wing Beastamp's hammer. Wing Open is performed by triggering the hammer, deploying the binary wing and at the same shifting to the transformation standby state. Also, by triggering after completing the Wing Charging, it enters the Lighten Up state and can activate the finishing move Radiant Diurnal Break.
  • Radiant Wing Beastamp Body: The Radiant Wing Beastamp's exterior. By using the rare metal Genomium, which is also used as the armor material of Kamen Riders, as the exterior material, it has acquired the strength to stand at the forefront as part of an armament.
  • Radiant Crow Symbol: A metal relief that represents the stored genetic information. Its shape allows it to be distinguished even in the dark, preventing misuse.
  • Luminescent Wing: The Radiant Wing Beastamp's wing. It has a mechanism that switches the internal system to a Dual Unitedriver-only mode by deploying it. By folding the wings again, the Wing Charging is performed, and energy can be accelerated and amplified.
  • Genome Chamber: The Radiant Wing Beastamp's genome alteration mechanism. The genetic information filling the rotary chamber is changed by irradiating light to create various attack variations, such as firing special bullets and special slashes utilizing its characteristics.
  • Genome Holder: A special container for storing the Radiant Wing Beastamp's genetic information. Genetic information that can be said to be a blueprint of a species is stored inside.
  • Genome Stamper: The stamp face of the Radiant Wing Beastamp. By pressing it against a human body, a contract can be formed with the demon inside and release it. The special information transmission code called the Beastamp Code that appears at the time of stamping has the role of transmitting the genetic information of the species stored in the Beastamp to the demon and conferring its ability. The Beastamp Code, which is highly visible and similar to an emoji, enables the instantaneous transmission of a huge amount of information as large as one zettabyte.

"Thunder Rex!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Th-Th-Th-Th-Thunder Rex!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Electrify Up! Light up the sky! Incoming! Lightning! Maximum voltage! Rising Kamen Rider! Animalia!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Release the Thunder! Thunder Rex Let's Go!"
―Looping finisher standby announcement[src]

"Thundering Animalia Finish!"
Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Shocking Animix! Electrify Up! Spark Up! Shine Up! Strike Up! Stamping Finish!"
―Animix finisher announcement[src]

"Spark Up!"
―Beastamp scanning announcement[src]

"Thundering Stamp Break!"
―Standalone finisher announcement after scanning a Beastamp[src]

"Final Stamp! Thunder Rex Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Thunder Rex Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Thunder Rex Beastamp: Used by Animalia to access their upgraded super form. Like the Crow Beastamp, it was predicted to permanently erase either T.J. Carter or Saurex. However, when the incomplete Thunder Rex Beastamp was stamped on Demon Animalia after they went out of control, T.J. was able to free Saurex from Phisto's influence. This completed the Beastamp, allowing the two to combine into Kamen Rider Animalia. It contains the genetic information of a Tyrannosaurus rex.

The Thunder Rex Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Stamp Activator: The Thunder Rex Beastamp's activation device. When pressed with a finger, light is emitted as the Surge Gale in the center is activated and the Beastamp shifts to the active state. At the same time, the unique name of the Beastamp is announced and an alert is issued.
  • Rex Body: The Thunder Rex Beastamp's exterior. By using the rare metal Genomium, which is also used as an armor material, it has gained the strength to stand at the forefront as part of its armament. In addition, its shape indicates that the genetic information of a T-Rex is stored.
  • Surge Gale: The Thunder Rex Beastamp's core device. It has the role of adding tremendous fighting ability by taking in the power of strong thunder and storms and incorporating it into the genetic information of a T-Rex.
  • Genome Holder: A special container for storing the Thunder Rex Beastamp's genetic information. Genetic information that can be said to be a blueprint of a species is stored inside.
  • Genome Stamper: The stamp face of the Thunder Rex Beastamp. In order to safely manage and operate the powerful force, a mechanism selects qualified persons by stamping the target. Personalization is performed by by entering into a special contract with the selected qualified person, and only the contractor can use it.

"Royal Rex!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"All bow! Ready Up! Royal Rex!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Crowning Up! Rule Them All! Unleash the Beast! At Full Power! Let's Go! Kamen Rider Anima! Ready For! R-R-R-R-Royal Rex!"
―King Anima transformation announcement[src]

"Royal Anima Finish!"
―King Anima finisher announcement[src]

"Crowning Up! Unleash the Beast! At Full Power! Kamen Rider Malia! R-R-R-R-Royal Rex!"
―King Malia transformation announcement[src]

"Royal Malia Finish!"
―King Malia finisher announcement[src]

"Royal Animix! Freeze! Magma! Paint! Thunder! Royal Rex! Kingdom Stamping!"
―Animix announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Royal Rex Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Royal Rex Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Royal Rex: Allows Anima and Malia to access their respective final forms, King Anima and King Malia. It was jointly developed by Ryder and Brittany Marks. It was then infused with the cells of Phisto that had been implanted in Travis Carter in order to counter the demon with his own power. Unlike other Beastamps, it splits into two separate stamps referred to as N Anima Side and S Malia Side. Due to being made with the cells of Phisto, the Royal Rex Beastamp possesses a mind of its own to an extent and attempted to reunite with Phisto after its creation until it was split for the first time. It contains the genetic information of both Phisto and a tyrannosaurus rex.

The Royal Rex Beastamp contains the following parts:

  • Stamp Activator: The Royal Rex Beastamp's activation device. When pressed with a finger, the Beastamp emits light and shifts to its active state. At the same time, the unique name of the Beastamp is announced and an alert is issued.
  • Royal Rex Body: The Royal Rex Beastamp's exterior. By using the rare metal Genomium, which is also used as an armor material, it has gained the strength to stand at the forefront as part of its armament. In addition, its shape indicates that the genetic information of a T-Rex is stored.
  • Royal Genome Holder: A special container for storing the Giffard Rex Vistamp's genetic information. It stores the genetic information of two species, the extraterrestrial lifeform Phisto and the T-Rex. In order to accommodate the highly specific contents, the special alloy Stampium, which has excellent rigidity and high permeability due to its hexagonal molecular structure, was used as the material.
  • Royal Genome Helixer: The Royal Rex Beastamp's genome formulator. The genetic information of T-Rex is pseudo-evolved to precisely adjust the power balance with the genetic information of the extraterrestrial lifeform Phisto, and they are mixed in real time. This creates the Royal Rex Genome, which enables stable control of supernatural forces.
  • Royal Magniter: A coupler built into the N Anima Side. The Animix Magnet Bar is completed by reconnecting the S Malia Side in series to the coupler that appears when the cover is opened. Royal Animix is performed by stamping the Royal Genome Stamper in this state, making it ready to activate the finishing move Freeze Magma Paint Thunder Royal Rex Kingdom Stamping.
  • Royal Genome Stamper: The stamp face of the Royal Rex Beastamp. The special information transmission code Royal Beastamp Code is customized exclusively for the Emboss Wildriver, and can transmit genetic information three times faster than normal Beastamps due to its special shape. In addition, by stamping it on the ground after transformation, duplicates that can be active for a certain period of time are generated.

"Duality Wing!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Shine through Darkness!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Duality Flight!"
―Announcement when the Winger Hammer is pressed[src]

"Dual Up! Light Crosses Shadow! Kamen Rider Nocturnal Diurn! Gleaming Darkness!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Final Duality! Duality United Finish!"
―Standard finisher announcement with the Diurn Blaster/Nocturn Saber[src]

"Fly Up! Duality United Break!"
―Second finisher announcement with the Diurn Blaster/Nocturn Saber[src]

Duality Wing Beastamp: Allows Diurn to access his final form, Nocturnal Diurn. It was transformed from the Radiant Wing Beastamp by the resonance of Jacob Carter and Skade. By directly connecting it to the Dual Unite Engine, the built-in program of the Dual Unitedriver, it enables perfect control of the maximized positive/negative energy and produces supernatural power through simultaneous parallel output. It contains the genetic information of a crow.

The Duality Wing Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Stamp Activator: The Duality Wing Beastamp's activation device. When pressed with a finger, the Beastamp emits light and shifts to its active state. At the same time, the unique name of the Beastamp is announced and an alert is issued. After transformation, it also functions as a starter to activate the finishing move Duality United Finish.
  • Winger Hammer: The Duality Wing Beastamp's hammer. Duality Flight is performed by triggering the hammer, deploying the binary wing and at the same shifting to the transformation standby state. Also, by triggering after completing the Dual Charge, it enters the Fly Up state and can activate the finishing move Duality United Break.
  • Duality Wing Beastamp Body: The Duality Wing Beastamp's exterior. By using the rare metal Genomium, which is also used as the armor material of Kamen Riders, as the exterior material, it has acquired the strength to stand at the forefront as part of an armament.
  • Dual Crow Symbol: A metal relief that represents the stored genetic information. Its shape allows it to be distinguished even in the dark, preventing misuse.
  • Dualnescent Wing: The Duality Wing Beastamp's wing. It has a mechanism that switches the internal system to a Dual Unitedriver-only mode by deploying it. By folding the wings again, the Dual Charge is performed, and energy can be accelerated and amplified.
  • Genome Chamber: The Duality Wing Beastamp's genome alteration mechanism. The genetic information filling the rotary chamber is changed by irradiating light to create various attack variations, such as firing special bullets and special slashes utilizing its characteristics.
  • Genome Holder: A special container for storing the Duality Wing Beastamp's genetic information. Genetic information that can be said to be a blueprint of a species is stored inside.
  • Genome Stamper: The stamp face of the Duality Wing Beastamp. By pressing it against a human body, a contract can be formed with the demon inside and release it. The special information transmission code called the Beastamp Code that appears at the time of stamping has the role of transmitting the genetic information of the species stored in the Beastamp to the demon and conferring its ability. The Beastamp Code, which is highly visible and similar to an emoji, enables the instantaneous transmission of a huge amount of information as large as one zettabyte.

"King Cobra!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Ringing Freedom Up! We have achieved victory! Maxed out ability! Kamen Rider! Champion! Str-Str-Strike!"
―Transformation announcement with the Cage Expandriver[src]

"King Cobra Stamping Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver standard finisher announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! King Cobra Freedom Crash!"
―Cage Expandriver second finisher announcement[src]

King Cobra Beastamp: Allows Strike to access her final form, Champion Strike. It evolved from the Cobra Beastamp in response to the growth of Najathi and contains the genetic information of a king cobra.

"Merge Fifty!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Let's Merge! Fi-Fi-Fi-Fifty!"
―Looping standby announcement[src]

"Carter Up! We're getting wild! We'll brighten things up! Let's start the round! Kamen Rider Sibeast!"
―Transformation announcement[src]

"Carter Trio! Let's Go!"
―Looping finisher standby announcement[src]

"Trinity Family Finish!"
Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Trinity Animix! Carter Up! Freedom! Diurnal! Stamping Finish!"
―Animix finisher announcement[src]

"Spark Up!"
―Beastamp scanning announcement[src]

"Family Stamp Break!"
―Standalone finisher announcement after scanning a Beastamp[src]

"Final Stamp! Merge Fifty Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Merge Fifty Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Merge Fifty Beastamp: Allows Anima, Diurn and Strike to fuse into Kamen Rider Sibeast. It was transformed from the Thunder Rex Beastamp by Makayla Carter's inner demon.

Giant Spider Beastamp: Allows Arthro to access her final form, Regal Arthro. It contains the genetic information of a Giant Spider.

Mega Bat Beastamp: Allows Kamen Riders Nocturn and Diurn to access their Majestic forms via the Emboss Wildriver. It contains the genetic information of a Megabat.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready Up! Ph-Ph-Ph-Phistoid!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Cult Up! Praise your demon! Join our cause! Phistoid!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Phistoid Culting Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Cult Up! Worship Us! Demon Up! Phistoid!"
―Animix transformation announcement[src]

Phistoid Beastamp: Used by the Cult of Phisto to summon the Phistoids footsoldiers. Unlike the Proto Beastamps, it can be used to both release a Phistoid from a human by stamping them or simply summon a group of Phistoids by stamping the ground or another surface.

As part of Vance Watts' plan to have Phisto conquer humanity, Genome X later produces numerous Phistoid Beastamps with a different exterior. These Beastamps are used to harvest Phistoids from citizens under the pretense of removing their inner demons. Genome X requires all citizens to be stamped as proof of their loyalty to Phisto so that he will spare them.

Crow Beastamp: An incomplete Beastamp created by Ryder Marks for the purpose of strengthening the Dual Unitedriver. However, using it would permanently erase either Nocturn or Diurn. When Skade was defeated in his duel with Jacob Carter, it evolved into the Radiant Wing Beastamp.

"Rage On!"
―Activation announcement[src]

"Rage Up! Raging Zebul!"
―Raging Zebul transformation announcement[src]

"Raging Destruction!"
―First finisher announcement[src]

"Anger up! Raging Finish!"
―Second finisher announcement[src]

"(Beastamp name)! Coating!"
―Beastamp scanning announcement[src]

"Painting Bash!"
―Standalone finisher announcement after scanning a Beastamp[src]

"Rage Up! Anger! Boil! Rage! Raging Zebul!"
Emboss Wildriver transformation announcement[src]

Rolling Rage Beastamp: Used by Zebul to transform into Raging Zebul. It was created by Brittany Marks and given to Zebul for his final battle against Travis Carter. However, Brittany actually intended it to be used by Travis to seal Zebul back inside his body, which he successfully did. This Beastamp is also referred to simply as the Rage Beastamp.

It was developed based on the Roller Beastamp, which enhances the power of the demon. It not only enables advanced information transmission by painting with a roller in addition to stamping, but also has the ability to store a demon and return them to the host. Furthermore, it can also be used as a weapon.

The Rolling Rage Beastamp consists of the following parts:

  • Rolling Rage Beastamp Body: The Beastamp's exterior. The exterior material is Merged Geo Armor, a composite material made mainly from rocks native to Central and South America that have an impressive marble pattern. As a result, it has gained about eight times the strength of tank armor, making it usable as a weapon for striking.
  • Rage Stamper: The stamp face. As a hidden function, the demon Zebul can be stored inside and injected into the host by using the special information transmission code Beastamp Code, which is highly visible and similar to an emoji.
  • Raging Grip: The Beastamp's grip. By grasping this part, painting, imprinting, hitting, etc. is performed.
  • Rage Activator: The Beastamp's trigger. By pulling the trigger, the Beastamp emits light and shifts to its active state. At the same time, the unique name is announced and an alert is issued. After this, it will be the starting point for activating various functions.
  • Coat Scanner: The Beastamp reading device. By reading the genetic information stored in the Beastamp, the finishing move Raging Finish that converts the extracted energy into attack power and releases it can be activated.
  • Rage Roller: The Beastamp's special roller. By applying the demon strengthening liquid Rage Binder to the body of the demon Zebul, he is transformed into Raging Zebul. In addition, when various finishing moves are activated, it can be quickly rotated to charge ultra-high density energy.

Blank Beastamp: An early stage of the Demon Beastamp that does not hold the genetic information of an organism. It was used in various experiments, such as stamping it on humans to release the demon that is hidden within.

List of Demon Beastamps[]

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready up! Sq-Sq-Sq-Squid!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Cult Up! Giant demon awake! Dangerous ink! Squid!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Squid Culting Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Cult Up! Worship us! Ink up! Squid!"
―Animix transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Squid Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Squid Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Squid Demon Beastamp: Serves as the personal Demon Beastamp of Thanatos, who used it to transform into the Squid Innemon. The Beastamp itself could also be used to transport the user to another location by disappearing in a purple flame. It contains the genetic information of a giant squid.

―Activation announcement[src]

"Ready up! W-W-W-Wolf!"
―Looping standby announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Cult Up! Pack in action! Feral reaction! Wolf!"
―Transformation announcement with the Emboss Wildriver[src]

"Wolf Culting Finish!"
―Emboss Wildriver finisher announcement[src]

"Animix! Cult Up! Worship us! Maul 'em up! Wolf!"
―Animix transformation announcement[src]

"Final Stamp! Wolf Sealing Slash!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Axe Mode[src]

"Final Stamp! Wolf Sealing Blast!"
―Finisher announcement with the Wild Blastchopper in Gun Mode[src]

Wolf Demon Beastamp: Serves as the personal Demon Beastamp of Berus, who used it to transform into the Wolf Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a wolf.

―Activation announcement[src]

Planarian Demon Beastamp: Originally used to create the Planarian Innemon from a human's inner demon, it later becomes the personal Demon Beastamp of Spencer Graham, who used it to transform into his Innemon form at will after becoming a Phistage. It contains the genetic information of a planarian and can later be refined into the Planarian Beastamp.

Due to the planarian's ability to become two separate individuals when split, a secondary copy of this Beastamp can be created. As a result, two Planarian Innemons can be created from the primary contract holder and an additional person via a joint contract. The copy Beastamp can be used by the second person to merge with either the primary contract holder's Innemon or their own to become its Advanced Phase. If an Innemon created with the copy Beastamp is defeated, the Beastamp is destroyed, though another one can be created. Alternatively, the primary contract holder can use the original Beastamp to become the Advanced Phase themselves in the conventional way.

―Activation announcement[src]

Chameleon Demon Beastamp: Originally used by an unknown man to transform into the Chameleon Innemon Advanced Phase, it later becomes his personal Beastamp that he used to transform into his Innemon form at will once he becomes a Phistage. It contains the genetic information of a chameleon and can later be refined into the Chameleon Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Smilodon Demon Beastamp: Originally used by William Spencer to transform into the Smilodon Innemon Advanced Phase, it later becomes his personal Beastamp that he used to transform into his Innemon form at will once he becomes a Phistage. It contains the genetic information of a smilodon and can later be refined into the Smilodon Beastamp.

"Queen Bee!"
―Activation announcement[src]

Queen Bee Demon Beastamp: Serves as the personal Demon Beastamp of Lilith, who uses it to transform into the Queen Bee Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a queen bee and was later refined into the Queen Bee Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Anomalocaris Demon Beastamp: Allows Arthro to access his Anmalocaris Genomerge. It is later used by Thanatos to transform into the Anomalocaris Innemon. It contains the genetic information of an anomalocaris and was later refined into the Anomalocaris Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Mammoth Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Mammoth Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a mammoth and was later refined into the Mammoth Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Mantis Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Mantis Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a mantis and was later refined into the Mantis Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Megalo Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Megalo Innemon. It contains the genetic information of the megalodon and was later refined into the Megalo Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Gorilla Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Gorilla Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a gorilla and was later refined into the Gorilla Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Lion Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Lion Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a lion and was later refined into the Lion Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Kangaroo Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Kangaroo Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a kangaroo and can later be refined into the Kangaroo Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Cheetah Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Cheetah Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a cheetah and can later be refined into the Cheetah Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Brachio Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Brachio Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a brachiosaurus and was later be refined into the Brachio Beastamp. Kamen Rider Anima used the Brachio Demon Beastamp in order to access his and Malia's Brachio Genomes for the first time before it was completed by Ryder after the battle.

―Activation announcement[src]

Hammerhead Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Hammerhead Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a hammerhead shark and can later be refined into the Hammerhead Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Elephant Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Elephant Innemon. It contains the genetic information of an elephant and can later be refined into the Elephant Beastamp.

―Activation announcement[src]

Rafflesia Demon Beastamp: Can be stamped onto a human to release their inner demon in the form of the Rafflesia Innemon. It contains the genetic information of a rafflesia and can later be refined into the Rafflesia Beastamp.

List of Demon Beastamps[]

Phistamp: An OOPArt that cannot be explained by science. It was discovered in 1972 at a South American archaeological dig site along with Phisto's coffin. The Phistamp then came into the possession of DRE, whose researchers conducted studies on it. This analysis, led by Jonathan Marks, led to the creation of the Beastamps using information and substances obtained from the Phistamp. Stamping a human with the Phistamp results in their inner demon consuming its host and materializing as a Phistian. When Thanatos used the Phistamp to fuse himself with Phisto's coffin, it was absorbed along with him. After Phisto regains his true form, the Phistamp remains within his body, enabling him to create evolved Phistians.

The Phistamp consists of the following parts:

  • Phistamp Body - The body of the Phistamp made of an unknown material. Its organic form is covered with a mysterious film of energy. It has the special property of intervening in the mind of the person who touches it. The special alloy Stampium, which is also utilized as an exterior material for the Emboss Wildriver and other devices, was developed based on this unknown material.
  • Phistamper - The face of the Phistamp. By stamping directly on the human body, the malignancy that naturally dwells within can be released. The Beastamp Code, a special information transmission code, is based on this system.

Demolon Stamp: Serves as the vessel of Demolon. The Demolon Stamp was discovered in 1972 at a different location than the Phistamp and was stolen by SOAR, who used it in experiments on releasing inner demons from the human body. It was stamped on James Douglas, materializing Demolon. However, Demolon was too dangerous, so SOAR sealed him back into the Demolon Stamp. Fifty years later, Lilith locates the Demolon Stamp and releases Demolon once again. The stamp along with Diablo was destroyed by Kamen Riders Anima, Malia, Saber, and Beyonder.

Crisper Stamps inside Diablo

Eidolon Stamps inside Demolon

Eidolon Stamps: A set of four stamps containing the genetic information of historical figures. When Demolon was released in the present, they brought the Eidolon Stamps presented them to him. The demon stamped them onto himself to create the Eidolons before absorbing the stamps into his body.

Used to release the Himiko Eidolon. It contains the genetic information of Himiko.

Used to release the Khufu Eidolon. It contains the genetic information of Khufu.

Used to release the Edison Eidolon. It contains the genetic information of Thomas Edison.

Used to release the Leonidas Eidolon. It contains the genetic information of Leonidas I.

Behind the Scenes[]



  • The name Beastamp is a portmanteau of "Beast" and "Stamp".


  • The Phistamp was discovered in 1972, the same year the original Masked Rider aired before it became a franchise.
  • This is the first set of Legend Rider trinkets to be based on something additional to the Kamen Riders they represent, in this case different animals.
  • Due to them being tied to the Animalia Riders, the personal Beastamps do not annouce "Genome" at the end of transformation announcements.
  • The Queen Bee Demon Beastamp is the only Beastamp to be purified into a personal Beastamp, as the other Demon Beastamps were purified into auxiliary Beastamps.
  • When another Beastamp is stamped onto the top of the Cracking Rex Bestamp for a finisher, it is announced by a unique name usually formed by a portion of the animal's name stated twice:
  • Tyranno: Tyra Tyra!
  • Eagle: Eag Eag!
  • Mammoth: Moth Moth!
  • Megalo: Mega Mega!
  • Ptera: Ptera Ptera!
  • Lion: Leo Leo!
  • Jackal: Jack Jack!
  • Gorilla: Rilla Rilla!
  • Mantis: Mant Mant!
  • Brachio: Brachi Brachi!
  • Bat: Bat Bat!
  • Spider: Spi Spi!
  • Cobra: Cob Cob!
  • Hopper: Hop Hop!
  • Cracking Rex/Roller: Crack Crack!
  • Volcano: Lava Lava!
  • Roller: Roll Roll!
  • Other: Stamp Stamp!
  • So far, the Gorilla, Brachio, and Peacock Beastamps are the only Auxiliary Beastamps to not accurately represent the base color scheme of the Legend Rider they are based on.
    • The Gorilla Beastamp's color scheme is orange and blue, which aside the from accents of the suit, does not match Quasar Knight's main color scheme.
      • It does, however, resemble Quasar Knight's Rocket Star.
    • The Brachio Beastamp's color scheme is pink and gold, which does not match Quantum Knight's main color scheme.
    • The Peacock Beastamp's color scheme is orange and blue, which does not match Cross-X's main color scheme of red and silver.
  • So far, the Volcano, Roller, and Rolling Rage Beastamps are the only Beastamps without an animal basis. However, they include special Genome Stampers.
    • The Volcano Beastamp still bares a Tyrannosaurus-themed Genome Stamper, similar to that of Cracking Rex.
    • The Roller Beastamp's Genome Stamper resembles Saurex's face.
    • The Rolling Rage Beastamp's Genome Stamper bares Zebul's markings.
  • The Neo Hopper, Elephant, and Hammerhead (Demon) Beastamps are retooled versions of other Beastamps.
    • The Neo Hopper Beastamp is a retooled version of the Hopper Beastamp.
    • The Elephant (Demon) Beastamp is a retooled version of the Mammoth (Demon) Beastamp.
    • The Hammerhead (Demon) Beastamp is a retooled version of the Megalo (Demon) Beastamp.
  • The Rafflesia Demon Beastamp is the only Beastamp to not be based on an animal. Instead, it is based on a flower.
  • So far, the following Beastamps drastically change their color scheme after their purification.
    • The Queen Bee Demon Beastamp was originally black and orange. After purification, the Queen Bee Beastamp is orange and gunmetal gray.
  • The Cobra and Queen Bee Beastamps have matching orange marbling.
  • The Duality Wing Beastamp's Genome Stamper is unique, as all other Beastamps use the gaps in the stamp face to form the image whereas the Duality Wing Beastamp uses the stamp face itself. In addition, the underside of the Duality Wing Beastamp is all black while other Beastamps have a second color.
  • The animals used for the Twin Chimera and Tri Chimera Vistamps (King Crab, Crocodile, Octopus, Black Rhino, and Giant Centipede) are treated as separate Beastamps in the Arthro Driver.
    • The Crocodile Beastamp is the only normal Beastamp to use one of these animals.


See also[]


Icon-revice Kamen Rider Animalia
Kamen Riders
Human Main Riders: T.J. Carter - Jacob Carter - Tasha Carter - Aidan Morgan - Travis Carter - Colin Burke - Russel Beale - Lili Theodore - Arthro Nest - Ryder Marks - Thanatos
Demon Main Riders: Saurex - Skade - Najathi - Zebul
Movie/Special-exclusive: Kamen Rider Beyonder (James & Brian Douglas) - Chris Meran - Soldemo - Kamen Rider Sibeast
Clone Riders: Lance Blaze (One, V1, Accel), Noel Knight (ZO, Mighty, Spade), Luceo (Evolve, Action, Zerone), Saurex (RX, Quasar, Prophet), Jacob Carter (Chiro, Meteor, Long), Tasha Carter (Space, Date, Amazon)
Transformation Gear
Emboss Wildriver - Dual Unitedriver - Cage Expandriver - Arthro Driver - Beelze Driver - Hive Apidriver - Aerondriver - Dynas Driver - Rolling Rage Beastamp - Zygotes Driver - Migotes Driver
Beastamps - Beastamp Holder - Beastamp Carrier
Beastamp-related Weapons
Wild Blastchopper - Cell Blaster - Wild Smashammer - Cracking Rex Shield - Roller Beastamp - Nocturn Saber - Diurn Blaster - Stinger Kunai - Rolling Rage Beastamp
Genome-exclusive Weapons
Anima: Tusk Rangs - Dimension Fins - Anima Gorilla Gaunts - Mantibow
Malia: Hide Shield - Gorilla Bracer - Cracking Rex Shield
Strike: Najathi (Peacock, Turtle, Shoebill) - Hannack Fangs
Hive: Stinger Kunai
Genomerge-exclusive Weapons
(Max) Arthro: One Hinders - Mole Wildrill - Joker Aeronator - X Stinger - R Scratchers
Dynas: Komodo Dragon Flamer - Crocodile Driller - Gorilla Smasher
Saurex (Ptera, Jackal)
Aero Base - Phisto Base - TBA - TBA
Eon Museum: Makayla Carter - Henry Lewis - Russel Beale
Legend Riders: Henry Wells - Lance Blaze - Noel Knight - Alistair Bolton - Caesar Landon - Shino Valia - Jestro - Myla - Luceo - Rita Emerson - Tyler Emerson - Chris Nardone - Dan Ukita - Felicia Keylon - Bryson Smith - Sergio
Others: Ryder Marks (2072)
Genome X
Director: Vance Watts
Commanders: John Xavier - "John Xavier" - Aidan Morgan
Squad Leaders: Jacob Carter - Henry Ashton
Others: Ryder Marks - Diana Murray
Leader: Brittany Marks
Burke Family: Colin Burke - Gregory Burke - Eliza Burke
Other Members: Tasha Carter - Lili Theodore - Russel Beale - Arthro Squad
DRE Division
Director: Gabriel Walsh
Researchers: Jonathan Marks
Military: Henry Lewis - Vance Watts
Others: Jackson Ritter
Leader: Jacob Carter
Notable Members: Aidan Morgan - Lili Theodore - Russel Beale - Ryder Marks - Brittany Marks
Cult of Phisto
Demons: Phisto
Notable Members: Vance Watts - Thanatos - Berus - Lilith - Spencer Graham - William Spencer - Chameleon Innemon
Tyranno Innemon - Mammoth Innemon - Mantis Innemon - Megalo Innemon - Gorilla Innemon - Lion Innemon - Squid Innemon - Wolf Innemon - Kangaroo Innemon - Cheetah Innemon - Brachio Innemon - Planarian Innemon - Chameleon Innemon - Smilodon Innemon - Queen Bee Innemon - Hammerhead Innemon - Elephant Innemon - Anomalocaris Innemon - Rafflesia Innemon
Footsoldiers: Phistoids
Phistians: Normal - Evolved - Omega
Others: Phisterror - Innemon Clones
Innemon Contract Holders
Adam Dixon - Aidan Morgan - Ollie Hunt - Daniel Young - Layla Quinn - Leon Taylor - William Spencer - Phineas Yaeger - Scammer Group - Spencer Graham - Sophia Combs - Kristina May - Stephen Fischer
Phistian Hosts
Unnamed Excavator - Unnamed Cult of Phisto Follower - Javon Mosley - Kayla Avery - Olivia Sawyer - Unnamed man - Unnamed child
Himiko Eidolon - Khufu Eidolon - Edison Eidolon - Leonidas Eidolon
Demon Rider Corps
Soar Rider One - Soar Rider Two - Venom Knight - Eternal Knight - Sorcerer Knight - Duke Knight - Masked Rider Four - Mask Knight
SOAR Executive