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This article is about a/an rider in Power Rider D-Tamer.
Alicia Knight
Alicia Knight
D-Tamer Rena 
Gender: Female
Series: Power Rider D-Tamer
Motif: Renamon
Fox/Nine-tailed fox
Rider Type: Heroine/Anti-Heroine (as D-Tamer Rena)
Villain (as D-Tamer Youko; brainwashed)
Affiliation: Virgo
Homeworld: Earth
First Appearance: Start of the Adventure
Last Appearance:
The Number of Episode Appearances: TBA (D-Tamer)
TBA (Movies)
1 (Specials)
Actor: Letitia Wright
Hiroe Igeta (Japanese Dub)
D-Tamer Rena
D-Tamer Rena

Alicia Knight is a 14-year-old African-American teenage girl who, through the power of her Digimon partner Renamon, can become D-Tamer Rena

Character History[]

Alicia is an African-American girl who is of Swazi descent.


Alicia is tall for her age with light skin, red hair, & blue eyes. She has a pair of socks between her shoulder blades.


Alicia is risk-taking & caring, but can also be very quick-tempered & a bit moody.


D-Tamer Rena
"D-Tamer Rena, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Rena

D-Tamer Rena

D-Tamer Rena is Alicia's default Rookie form, activated when she inserts Renamon's DigiCard into her DigiDrive, causing Renamon to merge with Alicia.

D-Tamer Rena's slender, tall appearance excels when compared with other Rookies, & rather than Power Battling, she makes sport of the enemy with various arts that use her speed.

D-Tamer Kyubi
"Form Change! D-Tamer Kyubi, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Kyubi is Alicia's main Champion form, activated when she inserts Kyubimon's DigiCard into her DigiDrive.

In this form, D-Tamer Kyubi lacks attack power, but she possesses a powerful will force & is proficient in spellcraft. 

D-Tamer Tao
"Form Change! D-Tamer Tao, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Tao is Alicia's main Ultimate form, activatec when she inserts Taomon's DigiCard into her DigiDrive.

In this form, D-Tamer Tao freely uses every technique in battle. Her faculty with magic is particularly high, & attacks with talismans & spells are her forte. Also, D-Tamer Tao is a master of concealed weapons & hides various weapons up her sleeves. 

D-Tamer Sakuya
"Form Change! D-Tamer Sakuya, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Sakuya is Alicia's main Mega form, activated when she inserts Sakuyamon's DigiCard into her DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Sakuya: Maid Mode
"Form Change! D-Tamer Sakuya, Digivolve! Shrine Modify!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Sakuya: Maid Mode is an enhanced form of D-Tamer Sakuya, assumed when Alicia uses the D-Modify Shrine Card.

D-Tamer Youko
"Form Change! D-Tamer Youko, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Youko is an alternate Champion form Alicia can assume whenever she inserts Youkomon's DigiCard into her DigiDrive.

Although D-Tamer Youko's offensive ability itself is not strong, she possesses powerful spiritual abilities & specializes in "Arts" techniques

D-Tamer Dou
"Form Change! D-Tamer Dou, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement

D-Tamer Dou is an alternate Ultimate form Alicia can assume whenever she inserts Doumon's DigiCard into her DigiDrive.

Like D-Tamer Tao, D-Tamer Dou freely uses every technique in battle. Her faculty with magic is particularly high, & her specialty is attacking with amulets & spells. The only difference is that D-Tamer Dou specializes in death-curses & assassinations. 

D-Tamer Kuzuha
"Form Change! D-Tamer Kuzuha, Digivolve!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Kuzuha is an alternate Mega form Alicia can assume whenever she inserts Kuzuha's DigiCard into her DigiDrive.

D-Tamer Kuzuha: Maid Mode
"Form Change! D-Tamer Kuzuha, Digivolve! Shrine Modify!"
―Transformation announcement
D-Tamer Kuzuha: Maid Mode is an enhanced form of D-Tamer Kuzuha, assumed when Alicia uses the D-Modify Shrine Card.

Digivolution Chart[]

Rookie Champion Ultimate Mega Ultra (Over Mega)
Rena Kyubi Tao Sakuya Sakuya Maid Mode
Youko Dou Kuzuha Kuzuha Maid Mode



  • DigiDrive - Transformation device
  • DigiCards - Transformation trinkets
    • Rookie
      • Renamon
    • Champion
      • Kyubimon
      • Youkomon
    • Ultimate
      • Taomon
      • Doumon
    • Mega
      • Sakuyamon
      • Kuzuhamon
  • D-Modify Cards - Special DigiCards used to upgrade &/or modify certain D-Tamer forms.
    • Shrine Card - Used to upgrade either D-Tamer Sakuya or Kuzuha into Maid Mode.

Behind the scenes[]

Voice Actor[]

Alicia Knight is voiced by Guyanese-English actress Letitia Wright, who is known for her role as Shuri, the sister of T'Chala (Black Panther), in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


  • Surprisingly enough, Alicia's full name is similar to that of her voice actor.